
World Wine News

All the news that fits, we print.

by Zachary Goldberg
Issue: 341

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This is the 341 issue of the Wine Weekly News publication. Its main goal is to bring that warm fuzzy feeling that you get when you look at a baby puppy with those big, beady eyes to all it's readers. It also serves to inform you of what's going on around Wine. Wine is an open source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Think of it as a Windows compatibility layer. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely alternative implementation consisting of 100% Microsoft-free code, but it can optionally use native system DLLs if they are available. You can find more info at

This week, 662 posts consumed 972 K. There were 124 different contributors. 75 (60%) posted more than once. 37 (29%) posted last week too.

The top 5 posters of the week were:

  1. 59 posts in 73K by dank at (Dan Kegel)
  2. 42 posts in 50K by julliard at (Alexandre Julliard)
  3. 41 posts in 41K by dmitry at (Dmitry Timoshkov)
  4. 29 posts in 37K by stefan at (Stefan Dösinger)
  5. 28 posts in 49K by winehacker at (Steven Edwards)

News: Wine Versions 0.9.54 - 0.9.56 Archive

Wine 0.9.54, Wine 0.9.55 and Wine 0.9.56 have been released since the last issue of WWN:

Wine 0.9.54 was released today, with the following main changes:

    * Photoshop CS/CS2 should now work, please help us testing it.
    * A number of RPC fixes.
    * Various improvements to the debugger support.
    * Lots of bug fixes.

Wine 0.9.55 was released today, with the following main changes:

    * Direct3D improvements, including driver version emulation.
    * Beginnings of support for OLE objects in Richedit.
    * Several fixes to the animation control.
    * A bunch of fixes for regression test failures.
    * Lots of bug fixes.

Wine 0.9.56 was released today, with the following main changes:

    * Proper handling of OpenGL/Direct3D windows with menu bars.
    * Stubs for all the d3dx9_xx dlls.
    * Several graphics optimizations.
    * Many installer fixes.
    * Improved MIME message support.
    * Lots of bug fixes.

WWN has been delayed these past few weeks for several reasons, hopefully all of which have been cleared up and WWNs should flow once a week. There may be some lapses where there's only one issue for a period of two weeks, but I will do my best to be weekly.

Also, I've heard that some people have not found my weekly 'purpose of this weeks WWN' exciting enough (in the opening summary). I'll do my best to kick those up a notch :).

Important: the AppDB stats at the end of this issue take into account the entire month since the last WWN, hence their (huge) size. The Bugzilla stats also are since the last issue.

Google comes out of the closet! Archive
Supporting Wine

As you may know by now, Google supports the development of Wine by contributing patches. They do this not only because they love being the big, squishy, teddy bear of open source love, but also because it helps them run applications like Picasa cross platform. Dan Kegel summarizes Google's support for wine in the year 2007:

Google uses Wine primarily as the basis for the Linux port of our photo management software, Picasa. [...] CodeWeavers did the initial port, and Googlers Lei Zhang, Nigel Liang, and Michael Moss are improving Wine further for Picasa 2.7.

Beyond Picasa, a few of us (Lei Zhang, Alex Balut, and I) have been fixing random Wine bugs in our 20% time. I've also been doing regular Valgrind runs over the Wine test suite, pestering developers who accidentally check in code that Valgrind doesn't like.

Google also sponsored some work by CodeWeavers to improve support for Photoshop ('cause so many people want it) and for Dragon Naturally Speaking ('cause even Linux users get RSI). While not yet perfect, those apps are a lot more usable now as a result. In particular, Photoshop CS and CS2 are quite usable indeed. (See for details.)

I also had the pleasure of hosting eight students as Google interns working on Wine throughout the year. Here are their names, and roughly what they worked on: Dan Hipschman: widl Evan Stade: gdiplus, Powerpoint Viewer James Hawkins: msi Jennifer Lai: win16 conformance tests Juan Lang: crypt32, iTunes Matt Jones: mono testing Mikolaj Zalewski: Photoshop, Limux Roy Shea: svchost, BITS

So, you're wondering, what exactly does that all boil down to? I tallied all our accepted patches recently; the list is now up (along with the exact Wine source we use for Picasa) at I was pleasantly surprised at the size of the list.

Separately, Google also sponsored nine Summer of Code students this year. Just to name two who remain active even after the end of summer: Alex Sørnes, who improved Wine's Wordpad, and Maarten Lankhorst, who solved tons of sound problems. (And oh, how nice it is to not have to change sound settings anymore!)

All that may sound like a lot, and perhaps it is, but it pales compared to the work put in on Wine by the rest of the Wine developers. Thanks, everybody! I'm really looking forward to Wine 1.0 (which, according to Alexandre, is planned for sometime in 2008). Dan Kegel Software Engineer Google

Interestingly, there are 1905 patches in that list which spans a period of about 2 years. If we assume there are 250 business days a year, that's 500 business days. That results in about 4 patches a day, or a patch every 2 hours!

This post has also been sited elsewhere at Ars Technica and

(Credit for the witty title of this article also goes to Dan Kegel)

War on 'make test' Archive

A lot of developments have been made on the war against test failures on Wine. The current status is visible here .

Dan Kegel pushed the big red button back in the beginning of February to initiate the series of patches to begin fixing all test suite failures:

Great progress was made at WineConf last year on getting our test suite closer to always passing on wine, but shows that, according to the results collected from people who run programs/winetest on Wine, twelve DLLs' tests are currently failing. (Let alone the test failures on Windows!) also talks about the fact that "make test" shows failures.

This situation greatly confuses new developers, who assume that any test failure is somehow their fault. And that's a reasonable assumption, let's make it so! It would make validating a new Wine development environment easy -- it'd be great to be able to say If it doesn't pass "make test" with no errors, something's wrong with the build environment.

What's the best way to encourage people to fix these problems? Should we designate some upcoming day, week, or month as a conformance test bug squishing party? Should we offer prizes (or at least notoriety) for the person who does the best job fixing conformance test suite bugs (as judged by Alexandre or his designate)? Or is a simple call to arms enough?

Jeremy White went back and attempted to build his own winetest executable and export his results. Apparently winetest was not well documented, and Jeremy had a bit of trouble:

Okay, so I boldly tried to use winetest with what documentation I could find, and had time.


It ran, did it's thing, and had one interactive thing (Gecko fussed at me; that's not a Winetest bug afaik).

Then when it was all done, it transferred my nearly 1 MB file, and then errored out with: "Unknown build id" So then I looked at the output file, and sure enough, it had a - for build info, not my fancy git id. So I hacked that, put in jwtip, and then ran winetest -s to send my output file through. And then I have a lovely result here: So that's *something* at least. Although I suspect someone will now have to go clean up my mess :-/. Cheers, Jeremy

Reece Dunn also had some experience with winetest:

The easiest thing I found for generating test results on Wine is to treat it like Windows. That is, download the winetest-[buildid]-paul-mingw.exe from the build you want to test and run:

wine winetest-[buildid]-paul-mingw.exe

e.g. on the page, the "Main summary for build 200801301937", and downloaded . Then, I ran

./wine winetest-200801301937-paul-mingw.exe

from a build of wine-0.9.54 and followed the instructions on the program. It did generate an error about not being able to clean the log at the end, but it generated the "XP wine-0.9.54-notheme" and "XP wine-0.9.54" results without any issues.

I have added my experiences to the wiki ( with a link on the main page.

Feel free to update it with your own experiences

Maarten Lankhorst also is seeming to have some good results:

Hi all,

I'm very close to passing the whole wine conformance suite on my pc. The only tests failing are in user32. These tests are failing in any version of windows though.

As of this publication there are still a couple (countable on your fingers) number of tests failing on wine. The most recent tests I can find are at

Lots of Stub d3dx9_* dll stubs Archive

Tony Wasserka has begun implementing the following directx dlls and passing along the function calls to higher level dlls (dedx9_36):


Additionally, some interesting stats about the d3d3x*_** dlls were posted to wine-devel by Luis C. Busquets Perez. (Note: These stats were from before Tony Wasserka's big list of new beginning implementations.

Find attached some data on d3dx8, d3dx9_xx and d3dx10_xx implementations:
dll files by d3dx extension:
d3dx8         1 dll files
d3dx9_xx       13 dll files
d3dx10_xx  4 dll files

Functions included in each d3dx:
DLL          Number of functions
d3dx8              153
d3dx9_24         320
d3dx9_25         323
d3dx9_26         327
d3dx9_27         327
d3dx9_28         332
d3dx9_29         332
d3dx9_30         332
d3dx9_31         329
d3dx9_32         334
d3dx9_33         334
d3dx9_34         334
d3dx9_35         334
d3dx9_36         336
d3dx10_33       177
d3dx10_34       177
d3dx10_35       180
d3dx10_36       180

Total functions for all d3dx implementations: 5162 functions.

Total functions for all d3dx implementations taking into account
repetitions: 425 functions

 From these 425 functions:
Functions specific to d3dx8: 15
Functions specific to d3dx9: 165
Functions specific to d3dx10: 71
Functions shared between d3dx8 and d3dx9: 65
Functions shared between d3dx9 and d3dx10: 35
Functions shared between the three implementations: 74

On the other hand, considering individual dlls,
17 functions are only mentioned in one dll
3 functions are mentioned in 2 dlls
68 functions are mentioned in 4 dlls
2 functions are mentioned in 7 dlls
10 functions are mentioned in 9 dlls
5 functions are mentioned in 11 dlls
3 functions are mentioned in 12 dlls
149 functions are mentioned in 13 dlls
65 functions are mentioned in 14 dlls
29 functions are mentioned in 17 dlls
74 functions are mentioned in 18 dlls

Status of a Wine Forums Archive
Wine Forums

The age old topic of how to best maintain communication between a community of developers and the community of users using their product has been brought up again recently. The key question this time is "should there be an official Wine forum?" Of course, there are many pros and cons, some people love forums, some hate them, and of course the issue that there already exists a fairly active Wine-users mailing list. In coming up with a solution, the Wine team wanted to minimize the confusion of having too many different non-centralized and disjoint sources of help. There already is the Ubuntu Wine forum, independent Wine forums, IRC, and the mailing list, so adding another official channel for communication seemed like the wrong thing to do.

In steps Jeremy Newman with an idea. Jeremy set up a new phpBB on which is linked directly to the wine-users mailing list. This results in the best of both worlds: helping those who really like forums and those who really like mailing lists, while keeping both essentially the same source of information.

The only issue is that phpBB, in all its ubiquity, has become a large target for spammers. Within hours the forum and the users-list were under siege. After a long weekend of fighting and implementing new techniques, Jeremy Newman has hopefully come out on top.

Yeah, it has been difficult. Since I've never run a PHPbb board before, I never know how well these bots had the registration system down. It has really raised my blood pressure a bit this weekend.

I think I've come up with a solution that will work for everybody. First, I updated the "captcha" image validation to be more random and harder to screen scrape.

Second, I added a text validation field that asks you: "Who is the current maintainer of the Wine project?"

This should stop both bots and human spammers that don't know about our forum.

To be nice, I at least added a hint link, that takes you to the "About Wine" page on WineHQ, so new users will at least have to read a little bit of our history if they don't know.

Work on ITunes? Archive

Dan Kegel stirred up a bit of a hornets nest mentioning the "next big apps" to tackle (covered below) and including iTunes in his potential list.

Christopher Harvey:

What needs to get done for iTunes to work?

James Hawkins:

80% of bug fixing development is figuring out the answer to that question. If we knew all that was needed, it wouldn't take that long to fix.

Maarten Lankhorst:

v7.6 basically works if you set windows version to windows vista, and find out why the installer fails to create the 'Bonjour service' registry stuff properly.

I submitted 8 or so stub dll's to wine-patches that make iTunes v7.6 actually start after installation. It checks for the dll's and silently fails if they don't exist.

I haven't done any further testing yet though, but it looks like it is probably a small installer bug that prevents itunes v7.6 from installing without first manually creating those registry keys.

So iTunes needs a (lot) of work to be up and running fully. However, the point was brought up that for a lot of iTunes functionality, there exists viable Linux-native alternatives. iTunes would, however, provide syncing etc. which for many would be very useful. Overall, it was decided that the discussion of whether or not it's "worth it" to work on an application because of alternatives is pretty moot.

Next Big Apps to Tackle Archive

Dan Kegel:

Now that Adobe Photoshop CS2 is running kind of well (there are bugs that need fixing, but I'm trying to look ahead a bit), what big app(s) are worth focusing on next?

Using, skipping Photoshop (which we should continue to fix up) and the ones that are either too hard, have native versions, or are probably something CodeWeavers might already be doing, and adding in good old Framemaker (so close to working we might want to go for it just for the goodwill from all those tech writers), I think that leaves about seven big ticket apps, in rough order of popularity:

I've created wiki pages with trial download URLs for all but iTunes, and done a bunch of triage on them. Most of these could all use more triage and bugs filed. At some point the dust might settle, and it might become clearer which one(s) deserve to be focused on. I think Maarten is going to try iTunes, which would be great. - Dan

And the list of applications begins to flow. L. Rahyen:

What about support for Autodesk products (such as AutoCAD and 3ds max)? As far as I know there is two group of problems preventing them from working: copy-protection related and .NET related. This is true for most recent versions.

However for not-so-new versions there is no .NET issues (just copy-protection problems). For example this is true for 3ds max 4, 5, 6, 7 (but I didn't check this personally). I heard that it is possible to get 3ds max 3 working on WINE but it's so old that this is useless today but it gives hope that newer versions of 3ds max will work if proper support for copy-protection used by Autodesk will be implemented.

This is true for AutoCAD too (as far as I know AutoCAD and 3ds max are using same protection called C-Dilla).

Unfortunately, I'm not an expert on this topic so I don't know how difficult to implement proper support for C-Dilla. But if it's implemented, it is very likely that both AutoCAD and 3ds max will work (as I said, because of .NET issues, most recent versions may not work but at least not so new versions will work; in future, when .NET support will be better, new versions will probably work too).

In other words, proper support for C-Dilla is most important thing for AutoCAD and 3ds max support so it is possible to temporary ignore .NET bugs related to most recent Autodesk products for now.

By the way, AutoCAD and 3ds max are very popular applications. It's easy to check how they are popular by using Google. For example, for AutoCAD alone you will get 43,800,000 results [1]. So there is a really a lot of people who depends on Autodesk products such as AutoCAD.

And Dan Kegel's response (which is a good conclusion for the issue as a whole):

Yeah, getting .net working would be great, and we seem to be making some progress there. And getting the copy protection used by these apps would be great. Googling around, I see that C-Dilla has sometimes been called Safecast, which is related to Safedisc, so I took the liberty of updating with a link to the Autocad 2000 bug, . That one looks like it's waiting for some action - James pointed out a simple-looking problem, but nobody's tackled it yet.

I'm torn between tackling hard problems and just going for the low-hanging fruit. I think the upshot is: I'm going to push hard on the low-hanging fruit, and let the hard problems sort themselves out in their own time, since pushing on them usually tends to involve a lot of wheel spinning. - Dan troubles Archive

WineHQ has been down a bit recently and some users have begun to take notice. Jeremy White explains:

The server has been getting locked up lately. Jeremy Newman thinks it's related to MySQL, as he's seen it running amok in conjunction with the crashes; he fears that recent changes to the appdb code may have triggered this, but that's mostly speculation.

At this point, there is little hard data; there haven't been console or other obvious log messages that would point at a source of the problem. We do now have a mysql log file, perhaps that will shed some light.

It's definitely increasing in frequency, though, as it's happened both days this weekend.

Jeremy Newman:, AppDB, and Bugzilla are all on the same server.

We have been having some issues with mysqld crashing the entire server. It so far has been a hard issue to track down. I've been tweaking the mysql config settings to hopefully prevent this issue.

And later, another letter from Jeremy Newman:

As many of you have noticed we've been having a bit of server trauma this past month. The issue boils down to a bug somewhere in mysqld. We are still trying to find the exact cause of the bug. We do have some leads. I just wanted to do a brain dump on wine-devel here before I go on Vacation for a week.

The problem: mysqld will randomly eat up all resources on the system until the server is completely unresponsive to anything but pings.

My band-aids thus far: 1. mysql is now running at a nice of 1. This should allow us to at least ssh in and kill it if it gets out of control again.

2. I've removed InnoDB table support to save on memory. Not many tables where using it anyway, and nothing is using transaction support at this time.

3. I've patched the appdb to use memcached for session management. This will reduce some load on the DB as the session table was busiest and slowest table of the appdb.

These fixes should give longer uptime, but they are not solving the core issue.

While I'm gone, if the server goes offline again, please contact Alexandre or Jeremy White. They can kick proverbial butt of the server to get it going again.

Lastly, sorry for the issues.


Follow-up: A few days ago Jeremy Newman disabled a feature called "fuzzy search" on the AppDB which, thus far, has been the magic cure we've been looking for and reliability has gone way back up!

Wine 1.0 status update Archive
Wine 1.0

Dan Kegel writes in with a progress report on Wine 1.0:

We now have about 100 bugs nominated for fixing in 1.0. Thanks to everybody who nominated bugs.

Now it's time to winnow the list a bit. 1.0 bugs should be 'important' somehow, easy to reproduce, and have some chance of actually being fixed by, say, summer. The better understood a bug is, the more likely it is it can be fixed for 1.0, so even less important bugs can be 1.0 bugs if they're well enough understood and a patch is available.

Here are a few bugs I'm thinking of deferring, and why:

Not important enough Mercora IMRadio crashes Stokes crashes everestpoker and Programmer's Editor don't work Armed Assault doesn't load web page Alzip crashes

Probably not doable by summer Add BiDi support

Not well enough understood: Dual-core not being correctly supported

Do people agree with those assessments, and are there other bugs nominated for 1.0 that don't quite deserve it? - Dan

Weekly AppDB/BugZilla Status Changes Archive
AppDB / BugZilla
BugZilla Changes:

*Temporary Disclaimer: For the better part of the month of January Wine's bugzilla will be going through an annual triage and cleanup. While the following statistics are still meaningful, (perhaps even moreso than otherwise) they are very skewed from normal Wine BugZilla activity.

Category Total Bugs Last Issue Total Bugs This Issue Net Change
UNCONFIRMED 1732 1767 +35
NEW 1443 1474 +31
ASSIGNED 46 45 -1
REOPENED 78 79 +1
RESOLVED 3070 641 -2429
CLOSED 4917 7697 +2780
TOTAL 11286 11703 +417

AppDB Application Status Changes

*Disclaimer: These lists of changes are automatically generated by information entered into the AppDB. These results are subject to the opinions of the users submitting application reviews. The Wine community does not guarantee that even though an application may be upgraded to 'Gold' or 'Platinum' in this list, that you will have the same experience and would provide a similar rating.

Updates by App Maintainers

Application Old Status/Version New Status/Version Change
Rayman Raving Rabbids 1.0 Garbage (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.54)
Finale 2008 Bronze (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.54)
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division v 2.2 Silver (0.9.39) Garbage (0.9.55)
Poser 7.0 Silver (0.9.44) Gold (0.9.55)
CircuitMaker 2000 Platinum (0.9.27) Gold (0.9.54)
GRLevel3 1.12 1.12 Garbage (0.9.36) Bronze (0.9.53)
Battlefield Vietnam 1.0 Silver (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.54)
Battlefield Vietnam 1.2x Platinum (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.54)
Asheron's Call Free trial Garbage (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
RenWeb RenWeb Garbage (0.9.51) Gold (0.9.54)
SimCity 4 SimCity 4 Deluxe Garbage (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.54)
Flashget 1.9.* Garbage (0.9.50) Silver (0.9.53)
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit Retail Platinum (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Minitab Minitab 15.1 Bronze (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
Blade of Darkness 1.01 Bronze (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
FrameMaker 7.2 Bronze (0.9.54) Silver (0.9.55)
Lightwright 4.x Demo Silver (0.9.22) Gold (0.9.54)
Anno 1602: Creation of a New World Gold: 1.0 Bronze (0.9.37) Silver (0.9.54)
The Witcher 1.2 Bronze (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.54)
Cossacks: European Wars 1.15new Bronze (0.9.46) Garbage (0.9.53)
Assault Tech 1 BT: 2.x.x Gold (0.9.50) Bronze (0.9.55)
Shaiya Open Beta Bronze (0.9.55) Garbage (0.9.56)
Hearts of Iron II Armageddon 1.1 Silver (0.9.44) Gold (0.9.54)
Casual Romance Club 1.0 Gold (0.9.26) Platinum (0.9.54)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Soulstorm: Demo Gold (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Flashget 1.8x Garbage (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.54)
Capitalism Plus 1.0 Gold (0.9.17) Silver (0.9.54)
InDesign 3.0 (CS) Garbage (0.9.40) Bronze (0.9.51)
Second Life All Versions Garbage (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.54)
Family Tree Maker 2006 Bronze (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Heaven Seven Final Silver (0.9.16) Platinum (0.9.54)
Media Player Classic (2K/XP) Bronze (0.9.50) Garbage (0.9.55)
Grand Theft Auto III 1.1 Bronze (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
e-Sword 7.8.5 Gold (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.54)
Entropia Universe 9.x Garbage (0.9.49) Bronze (0.9.53)
No Man's Land 1.0 Bronze (0.9.23) Garbage (0.9.54)
EverQuest 2 Garbage (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.54)
ChemDraw 9 Bronze (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
Silkroad Online 1.x Bronze (0.9.55) Gold (0.9.56)
Resident Evil 4 1.1.0 Silver (0.9.49) Garbage (0.9.53)
Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse 1.1 Gold (0.9.51) Garbage (0.9.54)
FlatOut Steam Version Garbage (0.9.37) Gold (0.9.50)
Europa 1400: The Guild Gold: 1.05 Beta 3 Bronze (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.54)
Re-Volt 1.x Gold (0.9.49) Platinum (0.9.54)
Need for Speed II Demo Platinum (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
FIFA 08 1.0 Gold (0.9.46) Silver (0.9.54)
VirtualdubMod (build 2540 release) Garbage (0.9.33) Gold (0.9.54)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Soulstorm: DEMO Gold (0.9.54) Platinum (0.9.55)
Last Chaos 2.0 Gold (0.9.54) Platinum (0.9.55)
Lightwave 9.2 Bronze (0.9.44) Garbage (0.9.54)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy 1.x Gold (0.9.54) Platinum (0.9.55)
Turbocad LE TurboCad LE Bronze (0.9.20) Silver (0.9.54)
Trainz 2004 Silver (0.9.2) Garbage (0.9.54)
Total Change

Updates by the Public

Application Old Status/Version New Status/Version Change
Shattered Galaxy 1.x.x Gold (0.9.43) Platinum (0.9.53)
Babylon 5: I've Found Her: Danger and Opportunity ... Garbage (0.9.19) Gold (0.9.54)
Quicken Home & Business 2007 Bronze (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Gothic II Night of the Raven: 2.6 Gold (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.56)
Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete (Czech) Silver (0.9.37) Gold (0.9.49)
Return to Mysterious Island 1.0 Bronze (0.9.20) Platinum (0.9.53)
Call of Duty United Offensive: 1.5 Platinum (0.9.48) Gold (0.9.54)
Dungeon Siege 1.11.1462 Silver (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Visio 2002 Bronze (0.9.33) Garbage (0.9.54)
Mathematica 4.1 Bronze (0.9.19) Silver (0.9.54)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 1.03 Gold (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.55)
Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader 1.1 Gold (0.9.44) Bronze (0.9.54)
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri 1.0 Garbage (0.9.51) Bronze (0.9.53)
Soldat 1.x Bronze (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.55)
Little Fighter 2 1.9c Gold (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Rune 1.0 Platinum (0.9.29) Gold (0.9.54)
Quicken 2005 Premier Home & Business Bronze (0.9.42) Garbage (0.9.54)
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 Platinum Gold (0.9.28) Garbage (0.9.52)
Game Maker 7.0 Garbage (0.9.46) Bronze (0.9.54)
System Shock 2 2.3 Garbage (0.9.51) Gold (0.9.53)
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy 1.01 Silver (0.9.43) Garbage (0.9.55)
foobar2000 0.9.5 Gold (0.9.52) Platinum (0.9.55)
Peer2Mail 1.6 Build #5 Silver (0.9.27) Garbage (0.9.54)
X³: Reunion 2.0.0,2 Silver (0.9.44) Bronze (0.9.55)
Sam and Max Episode 202: Moai Better Blues retail Garbage (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Jagged Alliance 2 1.x Garbage (0.9.54) Platinum (0.9.55)
Pleïade + Comfie 2.7.10 Garbage (0.9.50) Bronze (0.9.54)
Manhunt 1.x Garbage (0.9.39) Bronze (0.9.54)
Starship Titanic 1.00.42b Bronze (0.9.51) Garbage (0.9.55)
Baldur's Gate 1.1.4315 Platinum (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.55)
Internet Explorer 6.0 Garbage (0.9.47) Silver (0.9.50)
Mech Commander 2 1.0 Garbage (0.9.23) Bronze (0.9.56)
NewsLeecher 3.7 Final Garbage (0.9.28) Platinum (0.9.54)
Quark Xpress 7.0 Garbage (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
Day of Defeat: Source Steam Gold (0.9.51) Platinum (0.9.55)
Hitman 2: Silent Assassin 1.x Silver (0.9.50) Gold (0.9.53)
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 1.00 Garbage (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.55)
1C:Enterprise 7.7 Silver (0.9.52) Bronze (0.9.54)
Shadowgrounds 1.05 Garbage (0.9.49) Platinum (0.9.54)
Food Force 1.0 Gold (0.9.18) Platinum (0.9.54)
CorelDRAW 11 Garbage (0.9.50) Silver (0.9.51)
Password Manager XP version 1.99 (build 255) Garbage (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Earth 2160 Demo Garbage (0.9.19) Gold (0.9.54)
Mafia 1.x Platinum (0.9.51) Gold (0.9.53)
Nostale 20070907 Bronze (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.54)
SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars 1.02 Gold (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.54)
Flash 8 Garbage (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.54)
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown 1.00 Silver (0.9.24) Bronze (0.9.54)
Sonic Heroes Demo Silver (0.9.23) Garbage (0.9.54)
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1.0 Gold (0.9.48) Platinum (0.9.54)
Vangers: One for the Road 1.3rus Silver (0.9.36) Garbage (0.9.54)
Traffic Giant 1.0 Silver (0.9.53) Platinum (0.9.54)
Ecco Pro 4.0 Platinum (0.9.28) Gold (0.9.54)
Ultima Online Mondains Legacy Gold (0.9.46) Platinum (0.9.53)
Steuer-Spar-Erklärung 2008 Silver (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Winamp 5.x free "Full" version Silver (0.9.47) Garbage (0.9.54)
Titan Poker All Versions Garbage (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.54)
Nestopia 1.37 Silver (0.9.48) Platinum (0.9.54)
Rayman Arena 1.0 Garbage (0.9.30) Silver (0.9.55)
Tales of Pirates 1.36 Gold (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.54)
Protel DXP Service Pack 4 Silver (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.54)
Proteus 7.2 Silver (0.9.51) Garbage (0.9.54)
eFormFiller 2.5 Garbage (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.54)
Mahjong Escape - Ancient Japan Bronze (0.9.51) Gold (0.9.55)
Excel 2003 Gold (0.9.52) Bronze (0.9.54)
3DMark03 3.6.0 Platinum (0.9.48) Gold (0.9.53)
eTools 1.666 Garbage (0.9.46) Gold (0.9.54)
AutoCAD 2000 Gold (0.9.45) Silver (0.9.55)
Photoshop Elements 6.0 Bronze (0.9.54) Garbage (0.9.55)
Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa Garbage (0.9.48) Bronze (0.9.55)
mestrec Mestrec 2.3 Silver (0.9.30) Bronze (0.9.55)
LEGO Digital Designer 2.3 Gold (0.9.51) Platinum (0.9.55)
Star Trek: Armada II 1.1 Bronze (0.9.52) Gold (0.9.54)
Caesar III 1.x Platinum (0.9.46) Gold (0.9.54)
Winamp 5.x Free "Basic" Gold (0.9.52) Platinum (0.9.54)
Pagemaker 6.52 Bronze (0.9) Platinum (0.9.50)
EverQuest EverQuest (Live) Garbage (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
Fireworks CS3 Gold (0.9.46) Bronze (0.9.54)
Poker Tracker Hold'em 2.16.03d Garbage (0.9.52) Gold (0.9.53)
Tomb Raider - Chronicles 1.x Platinum (0.9.40) Silver (0.9.54)
Word Viewer 2003 Gold (0.9.49) Platinum (0.9.53)
Colin McRae Rally 2.0 1.09 Garbage (0.9.22) Gold (0.9.50)
Age of Empires III 1.00 Silver (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.55)
Battlefield 1942 1.6x Gold (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Dark Age Of Camelot Labyrinth of the Minotaur Inte... Silver (0.9.49) Bronze (0.9.54)
Colin McRae Rally 04 1.0 Garbage (0.9.42) Gold (0.9.53)
Photostitch 3.1 Garbage (0.9.46) Silver (0.9.49)
Startopia 1.x Garbage (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.55)
PhotoImpact 12 Garbage (0.9.32) Gold (0.9.54)
Gothic 3 1.x Bronze (0.9.42) Silver (0.9.55)
Need for Speed: ProStreet 1.0 Gold (0.9.52) Bronze (0.9.54)
Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach 27th March, ... Silver (0.9.46) Platinum (0.9.55)
Paradise Poker Latest Garbage (0.9.50) Gold (0.9.55)
Zuma Deluxe 1.0 Platinum (0.9.52) Garbage (0.9.56)
Live For Speed S2 Gold (0.9.46) Silver (0.9.49)
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms 1.0 Garbage (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.54)
RomCenter 2.71 Garbage (0.9.28) Gold (0.9.53)
Diablo II Lord of Destruction 1.x Platinum (0.9.49) Gold (0.9.55)
Warhammer: Mark of Chaos 1.x Silver (0.9.34) Platinum (0.9.55)
PureEdge Viewer for Windows 6.5 Garbage (0.9.49) Gold (0.9.55)
Penumbra 1.1 Garbage (0.9.44) Silver (0.9.54)
Google SketchUp 6.x Garbage (0.9.54) Silver (0.9.55)
Halo: Combat Evolved 1.x Garbage (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.54)
Sid Meier's Civilization III 1.29f Garbage (0.9.48) Bronze (0.9.55)
vanBasco's Karaoke Player 2.53 Garbage (0.9.50) Bronze (0.9.54)
Daz|Studio 1.8.x Garbage (0.9.54) Gold (0.9.55)
Garmin WebUpdater 2.4.1 Garbage (0.9.34) Gold (0.9.54)
Diablo 1.0x Silver (0.9.49) Bronze (0.9.54)
Rumble Box Tournament Edition Garbage (0.9.25) Platinum (0.9.55)
Crysis Garbage (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.54)
Origin 7.5 Gold (0.9.42) Garbage (0.9.53)
Unreal 226f/226b Silver (0.9.48) Platinum (0.9.54)
Theme Hospital Beta 5 Gold (0.9.37) Garbage (0.9.54)
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 1.00 Garbage (0.9.51) Bronze (0.9.53)
Far Cry 1.x (32-bit) Bronze (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Patrician II Gold: 1.1 Silver (0.9.41) Garbage (0.9.54)
Richard Burns Rally 1.x Silver (0.9.46) Gold (0.9.49)
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 1.0 Silver (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.54)
Knights & Merchants 1.x Silver (0.9.48) Gold (0.9.53)
BibleWorks BibleWorks 7 Bronze (0.9.37) Silver (0.9.53)
Pharaoh 1.00 Platinum (0.9.46) Gold (0.9.54)
Call of Duty 1.5 Gold (0.9.44) Platinum (0.9.54)
Need for Speed Most Wanted 1.3 Silver (0.9.49) Bronze (0.9.54)
utorrent 1.8 Garbage (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.53)
Quake III: Arena 1.32 Gold (0.9.45) Platinum (0.9.54)
DriveHQ FileManager 4.0 Build 268 Garbage (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.55)
Remote Desktop Connection Client 6.0.2600.0 Gold (0.9.29) Bronze (0.9.54)
SimCity 4 1.x Gold (0.9.49) Bronze (0.9.53)
The Settlers II: 10th Anniversary 1.x Gold (0.9.44) Garbage (0.9.54)
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom 1.x Platinum (0.9.47) Gold (0.9.55)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.00 Gold (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.54)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Si... Silver (0.9.43) Platinum (0.9.55)
TomTom HOME 2.x Garbage (0.9.53) Bronze (0.9.54)
QIP QIP 8010 Garbage (0.9.32) Silver (0.9.56)
Windows Messenger 5.1 Bronze (0.9.43) Garbage (0.9.54)
Dreamweaver 8.x Silver (0.9.48) Platinum (0.9.54)
Enterprise architect 7.0 Platinum (0.9.48) Gold (0.9.55)
ArtRage 2.11 (Full Edition) Platinum (0.9.30) Gold (0.9.54)
Grand Theft Auto 1.0 Platinum (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.53)
Money S3 10.081 Bronze (0.9.43) Gold (0.9.54)
Planetside Aftershock Gold (0.9.40) Silver (0.9.54)
Sacred 2.28 Gold (0.9.49) Garbage (0.9.54)
JCreator Garbage (0.9.44) Bronze (0.9.54)
Ankh 2 - Heart Of Osiris 1.0 Bronze (0.9.40) Silver (0.9.54)
Learnkey 1.0 Garbage (0.9.12) Gold (0.9.49)
StarUML 5.0 Garbage (0.9.25) Gold (0.9.54)
UMDGen 4.00 Platinum (0.9.52) Silver (0.9.54)
Carmageddon 2 1.0 Gold (0.9.53) Platinum (0.9.55)
Miranda 0.7.3 Gold (0.9.54) Garbage (0.9.55)
Project64 1.6 Silver (0.9.47) Gold (0.9.54)
Icewind Dale Heart of Winter: 1.42 Garbage (0.9.40) Platinum (0.9.54)
Photoshop CS2 Bronze (0.9.53) Platinum (0.9.54)
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War Dark Crusade: 1.x Platinum (0.9.50) Gold (0.9.55)
OllyDbg 1.10 Silver (0.9.31) Gold (0.9.54)
Hellbender 1.01 Bronze (0.9.43) Gold (0.9.55)
Riven: The Sequel to Myst 1.x Garbage (0.9.46) Bronze (0.9.55)
Hello 6.5.1 Garbage (0.9.22) Platinum (0.9.54)
SDL TRADOS 2007 SDL Trados 2007 (Professional) Bronze (0.9.53) Garbage (0.9.55)
CityInfo 2.7 Garbage (0.9.40) Platinum (0.9.54)
America 1.x Garbage (0.9.34) Bronze (0.9.55)
CheckPoint Firewall GUI R60 Gold (0.9.44) Platinum (0.9.52)
LEGO Digital Designer 2.1.3 Bronze (0.9.46) Platinum (0.9.55)
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast 1.04 Platinum (0.9.51) Garbage (0.9.53)
Quark Xpress 5,0 Bronze (0.9.45) Garbage (0.9.54)
Icewind Dale II 2.0 Bronze (0.9.37) Garbage (0.9.53)
Giants: Citizen Kabuto 1.x Garbage (0.9.49) Silver (0.9.54)
Acrobat 8.0 Garbage (0.9.47) Bronze (0.9.54)
Visio 2003 Garbage (0.9.46) Gold (0.9.55)
The Witcher 1.0 Bronze (0.9.53) Silver (0.9.55)
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Demo Platinum (0.9.36) Gold (0.9.54)
Total Annihilation Total Annihilation + Core Conti... Gold (0.9.47) Bronze (0.9.55)
Disciples II Dark Prophecy: 1.0 Gold (0.9.29) Silver (0.9.53)
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth 1.0 Bronze (0.9.49) Gold (0.9.54)
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas 1.01 Platinum (0.9.51) Silver (0.9.52)
Counter-Strike: Source Retail / Steam Silver (0.9.53) Gold (0.9.54)
Guild Wars All Versions Platinum (0.9.54) Garbage (0.9.55)
Icy Tower 1.3.1 Silver (0.9.54) Platinum (0.9.55)
Heavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2 1.0 Platinum (0.9.52) Bronze (0.9.53)
Virtual Cricket V4.2 Garbage (0.9.49) Gold (0.9.54)
F-22 Air Dominance Fighter 1.0 Garbage (0.9.37) Silver (0.9.53)
Sins of a Solar Empire 1.02 Bronze (0.9.54) Silver (0.9.55)
Word Viewer 97/2000 32 bit version Gold (0.9.30) Platinum (0.9.53)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield 1.60 Bronze (0.9.49) Silver (0.9.54)
Protel 99SE 99SE SP6 Silver (0.9.12) Bronze (0.9.54)
Medieval 2: Total War 1.3 Gold (0.9.49) Garbage (0.9.54)
Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe: 1.51 Platinum (0.9.52) Gold (0.9.55)
Runaway: A Road Adventure 1 Garbage (0.9.38) Gold (0.9.54)
Deus Ex 1.x Platinum (0.9.48) Garbage (0.9.54)
Pizza Frenzy Deluxe 1.0 Gold (0.9.46) Platinum (0.9.54)
Total Change

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