

Forwards: 18

Variables: 0

Stubs: 67

Functions: 412

Exports-Total: 497

Implemented-Total: 430 (86%)

Documented-Total: 17 (4%)


The following people hold copyrights on the source files comprising this dll:

ASMUS, Albrecht Kleine, Alex Korobka, Alexandre Julliard, Bertho A. Stultiens, CodeWeavers, David W. Metcalfe, Douglas Ridgway, Hans Leidekker, Huw D M Davies, Huw Davies, Jacek Caban (for CodeWeavers), Lionel Ulmer, Maarten Lankhorst, Marcus Meissner, Niels de Carpentier, Raphael Junqueira, Roderick Colenbrander, Shachar Shemesh, Steven Edwards (for CodeWeavers)

Note: This list may not be complete. For a complete listing, see the git commit logs and the File "AUTHORS" in the Wine source tree.


AbortDoc (not documented)

AbortPath (not documented)

AddFontMemResourceEx (not documented)

AddFontResourceA (not documented)

AddFontResourceExA (not documented)

AddFontResourceExW (not documented)

AddFontResourceTracking (stub)

AddFontResourceW (not documented)

AngleArc (not documented)

AnimatePalette (not documented)

Arc (not documented)

ArcTo (not documented)

BeginPath (not documented)

BitBlt (not documented)

ByeByeGDI (stub)

CancelDC (not documented)

CheckColorsInGamut (stub)

ChoosePixelFormat (not documented)

Chord (not documented)

CloseEnhMetaFile (not documented)

CloseFigure (not documented)

CloseMetaFile (not documented)

ColorCorrectPalette (stub)

ColorMatchToTarget (stub)

CombineRgn (not documented)

CombineTransform (not documented)

CopyEnhMetaFileA (not documented)




CreateBitmap (not documented)

CreateBitmapIndirect (not documented)

CreateBrushIndirect (not documented)

CreateColorSpaceA (not documented)

CreateColorSpaceW (not documented)

CreateCompatibleBitmap (not documented)

CreateCompatibleDC (not documented)

CreateDCA (not documented)

CreateDCW (not documented)

CreateDIBPatternBrush (not documented)

CreateDIBPatternBrushPt (not documented)

CreateDIBSection (not documented)

CreateDIBitmap (not documented)

CreateDiscardableBitmap (not documented)

CreateEllipticRgn (not documented)

CreateEllipticRgnIndirect (not documented)

CreateEnhMetaFileA (not documented)

CreateEnhMetaFileW (not documented)

CreateFontA (not documented)

CreateFontIndirectA (not documented)

CreateFontIndirectExA (not documented)

CreateFontIndirectExW (not documented)

CreateFontIndirectW (not documented)

CreateFontW (not documented)

CreateHalftonePalette (not documented)

CreateHatchBrush (not documented)

CreateICA (not documented)

CreateICW (not documented)

CreateMetaFileA (not documented)

CreateMetaFileW (not documented)

CreatePalette (not documented)

CreatePatternBrush (not documented)

CreatePen (not documented)

CreatePenIndirect (not documented)

CreatePolyPolygonRgn (not documented)

CreatePolygonRgn (not documented)

CreateRectRgn (not documented)

CreateRectRgnIndirect (not documented)

CreateRoundRectRgn (not documented)

CreateScalableFontResourceA (not documented)

CreateScalableFontResourceW (not documented)

CreateSolidBrush (not documented)

D3DKMTCheckVidPnExclusiveOwnership (forward to NtGdiDdDDICheckVidPnExclusiveOwnership in win32u)

D3DKMTCloseAdapter (forward to NtGdiDdDDICloseAdapter in win32u)

D3DKMTCreateDCFromMemory (forward to NtGdiDdDDICreateDCFromMemory in win32u)

D3DKMTCreateDevice (forward to NtGdiDdDDICreateDevice in win32u)

D3DKMTDestroyDCFromMemory (forward to NtGdiDdDDIDestroyDCFromMemory in win32u)

D3DKMTDestroyDevice (forward to NtGdiDdDDIDestroyDevice in win32u)

D3DKMTEnumAdapters2 (forward to NtGdiDdDDIEnumAdapters2 in win32u)

D3DKMTEscape (forward to NtGdiDdDDIEscape in win32u)

D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromDeviceName (forward to NtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromDeviceName in win32u)

D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromGdiDisplayName (not documented)

D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromHdc (forward to NtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromHdc in win32u)

D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromLuid (forward to NtGdiDdDDIOpenAdapterFromLuid in win32u)

D3DKMTQueryAdapterInfo (forward to NtGdiDdDDIQueryAdapterInfo in win32u)

D3DKMTQueryStatistics (forward to NtGdiDdDDIQueryStatistics in win32u)

D3DKMTQueryVideoMemoryInfo (forward to NtGdiDdDDIQueryVideoMemoryInfo in win32u)

D3DKMTSetQueuedLimit (forward to NtGdiDdDDISetQueuedLimit in win32u)

D3DKMTSetVidPnSourceOwner (forward to NtGdiDdDDISetVidPnSourceOwner in win32u)

DPtoLP (not documented)

DeleteColorSpace (not documented)

DeleteDC (not documented)

DeleteEnhMetaFile (not documented)

DeleteMetaFile (not documented)

DeleteObject (not documented)

DescribePixelFormat (not documented)

DeviceCapabilitiesEx (stub)

DeviceCapabilitiesExA (stub)

DeviceCapabilitiesExW (stub)

DrawEscape (not documented)

Ellipse (not documented)

EnableEUDC (not documented)

EndDoc (not documented)

EndPage (not documented)

EndPath (not documented)

EnumEnhMetaFile (not documented)

EnumFontFamiliesA (not documented)

EnumFontFamiliesExA (not documented)

EnumFontFamiliesExW (not documented)

EnumFontFamiliesW (not documented)

EnumFontsA (not documented)

EnumFontsW (not documented)

EnumICMProfilesA (not documented)

EnumICMProfilesW (not documented)


EnumObjects (not documented)

EqualRgn (not documented)

Escape (not documented)

ExcludeClipRect (not documented)

ExtCreatePen (not documented)

ExtCreateRegion (not documented)

ExtEscape (not documented)

ExtFloodFill (not documented)

ExtSelectClipRgn (not documented)

ExtTextOutA (not documented)

ExtTextOutW (not documented)

FillPath (not documented)

FillRgn (not documented)

FixBrushOrgEx (not documented)

FlattenPath (not documented)

FloodFill (not documented)

FontIsLinked (not documented)

FrameRgn (not documented)

FreeImageColorMatcher (stub)

GdiAlphaBlend (not documented)

GdiAssociateObject (stub)

GdiCleanCacheDC (stub)

GdiComment (not documented)

GdiConvertAndCheckDC (stub)

GdiConvertBitmap (stub)

GdiConvertBrush (stub)

GdiConvertDC (stub)

GdiConvertEnhMetaFile (stub)

GdiConvertFont (stub)

GdiConvertMetaFilePict (stub)

GdiConvertPalette (stub)

GdiConvertRegion (stub)

GdiConvertToDevmodeW (not documented)

GdiCreateLocalBitmap (stub)

GdiCreateLocalBrush (stub)

GdiCreateLocalEnhMetaFile (stub)

GdiCreateLocalFont (stub)

GdiCreateLocalMetaFilePict (stub)

GdiCreateLocalPalette (stub)

GdiCreateLocalRegion (stub)

GdiDciBeginAccess (stub)

GdiDciCreateOffscreenSurface (stub)

GdiDciCreateOverlaySurface (stub)

GdiDciCreatePrimarySurface (stub)

GdiDciDestroySurface (stub)

GdiDciDrawSurface (stub)

GdiDciEndAccess (stub)

GdiDciEnumSurface (stub)

GdiDciInitialize (stub)

GdiDciSetClipList (stub)

GdiDciSetDestination (stub)

GdiDeleteLocalDC (stub)

GdiDeleteLocalObject (stub)

GdiDeleteSpoolFileHandle (not documented)

GdiDescribePixelFormat (not documented)

GdiDllInitialize (not documented)

GdiDrawStream (not documented)

GdiEntry13 (not documented)

GdiFlush (not documented)

GdiGetBatchLimit (not documented)

GdiGetCharDimensions (not documented)

GdiGetCodePage (not documented)

GdiGetDevmodeForPage (not documented)

GdiGetLocalBitmap (stub)

GdiGetLocalBrush (stub)

GdiGetLocalDC (stub)

GdiGetLocalFont (stub)

GdiGetSpoolFileHandle (not documented)

GdiGetSpoolMessage (not documented)

GdiGradientFill (not documented)

GdiInitSpool (not documented)

GdiInitializeLanguagePack (not documented)

GdiIsMetaFileDC (not documented)

GdiIsMetaPrintDC (not documented)

GdiIsPlayMetafileDC (not documented)

GdiPlayDCScript (stub)

GdiPlayJournal (stub)

GdiPlayScript (stub)

GdiRealizationInfo (not documented)

GdiReleaseLocalDC (stub)

GdiSetAttrs (stub)

GdiSetBatchLimit (not documented)

GdiSetPixelFormat (not documented)

GdiSetServerAttr (stub)

GdiSwapBuffers (not documented)

GdiTransparentBlt (not documented)

GdiWinWatchClose (stub)

GdiWinWatchDidStatusChange (stub)

GdiWinWatchGetClipList (stub)

GdiWinWatchOpen (stub)

GetArcDirection (not documented)

GetAspectRatioFilterEx (not documented)

GetBitmapBits (not documented)

GetBitmapDimensionEx (not documented)

GetBkColor (not documented)

GetBkMode (not documented)

GetBoundsRect (not documented)

GetBrushOrgEx (not documented)


GetCharABCWidthsFloatA (not documented)

GetCharABCWidthsFloatW (not documented)

GetCharABCWidthsI (not documented)

GetCharABCWidthsW (not documented)



GetCharWidthA (not documented)

GetCharWidthFloatA (not documented)

GetCharWidthFloatW (not documented)

GetCharWidthI (not documented)

GetCharWidthInfo (not documented)

GetCharWidthW (not documented)

GetCharWidthWOW (stub)

GetCharacterPlacementA (not documented)


GetClipBox (not documented)

GetClipRgn (not documented)

GetColorAdjustment (not documented)

GetColorSpace (not documented)

GetCurrentObject (not documented)

GetCurrentPositionEx (not documented)

GetDCBrushColor (not documented)

GetDCOrgEx (not documented)

GetDCPenColor (not documented)

GetDIBColorTable (not documented)

GetDIBits (not documented)

GetDeviceCaps (not documented)

GetDeviceGammaRamp (not documented)

GetETM (stub)

GetEnhMetaFileA (not documented)

GetEnhMetaFileBits (not documented)




GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries (not documented)

GetEnhMetaFileW (not documented)

GetFontData (not documented)

GetFontFileData (not documented)

GetFontFileInfo (not documented)

GetFontLanguageInfo (not documented)

GetFontRealizationInfo (not documented)

GetFontResourceInfo (stub)

GetFontResourceInfoW (not documented)

GetFontUnicodeRanges (not documented)

GetGlyphIndicesA (not documented)

GetGlyphIndicesW (not documented)

GetGlyphOutline (not documented)

GetGlyphOutlineA (not documented)

GetGlyphOutlineW (not documented)

GetGlyphOutlineWow (stub)

GetGraphicsMode (not documented)


GetICMProfileW (not documented)

GetKerningPairs (not documented)

GetKerningPairsA (not documented)

GetKerningPairsW (not documented)

GetLayout (not documented)

GetLogColorSpaceA (not documented)

GetLogColorSpaceW (not documented)

GetMapMode (not documented)

GetMetaFileA (not documented)


GetMetaFileW (not documented)

GetMetaRgn (not documented)

GetMiterLimit (not documented)

GetNearestColor (not documented)

GetNearestPaletteIndex (not documented)

GetObjectA (not documented)

GetObjectType (not documented)

GetObjectW (not documented)

GetOutlineTextMetricsA (not documented)

GetOutlineTextMetricsW (not documented)

GetPaletteEntries (not documented)

GetPath (not documented)

GetPixel (not documented)

GetPixelFormat (not documented)

GetPolyFillMode (not documented)

GetROP2 (not documented)

GetRandomRgn (not documented)

GetRasterizerCaps (not documented)

GetRegionData (not documented)

GetRelAbs (not documented)

GetRgnBox (not documented)

GetStockObject (not documented)

GetStretchBltMode (not documented)

GetSystemPaletteEntries (not documented)

GetSystemPaletteUse (not documented)

GetTextAlign (not documented)

GetTextCharacterExtra (not documented)

GetTextCharset (not documented)

GetTextCharsetInfo (not documented)

GetTextColor (not documented)

GetTextExtentExPointA (not documented)

GetTextExtentExPointI (not documented)

GetTextExtentExPointW (not documented)

GetTextExtentPoint32A (not documented)

GetTextExtentPoint32W (not documented)

GetTextExtentPointA (not documented)

GetTextExtentPointI (not documented)

GetTextExtentPointW (not documented)

GetTextFaceA (not documented)

GetTextFaceW (not documented)

GetTextMetricsA (not documented)

GetTextMetricsW (not documented)

GetTransform (not documented)

GetViewportExtEx (not documented)

GetViewportOrgEx (not documented)

GetWinMetaFileBits (not documented)

GetWindowExtEx (not documented)

GetWindowOrgEx (not documented)

GetWorldTransform (not documented)

IntersectClipRect (not documented)

InvertRgn (not documented)

LPtoDP (not documented)

LineDDA (not documented)

LineTo (not documented)

LoadImageColorMatcherA (stub)

LoadImageColorMatcherW (stub)

MaskBlt (not documented)

MirrorRgn (not documented)

ModifyWorldTransform (not documented)

MoveToEx (not documented)

NamedEscape (not documented)

OffsetClipRgn (not documented)

OffsetRgn (not documented)

OffsetViewportOrgEx (not documented)

OffsetWindowOrgEx (not documented)

PaintRgn (not documented)

PatBlt (not documented)

PathToRegion (not documented)

Pie (not documented)




PlayMetaFileRecord (not documented)

PlgBlt (not documented)

PolyBezier (not documented)

PolyBezierTo (not documented)

PolyDraw (not documented)

PolyPolygon (not documented)

PolyPolyline (not documented)

PolyTextOutA (not documented)

PolyTextOutW (not documented)

Polygon (not documented)

Polyline (not documented)

PolylineTo (not documented)

PtInRegion (not documented)

PtVisible (not documented)

RealizePalette (not documented)

RectInRegion (not documented)

RectVisible (not documented)

Rectangle (not documented)

RemoveFontMemResourceEx (not documented)

RemoveFontResourceA (not documented)

RemoveFontResourceExA (not documented)

RemoveFontResourceExW (not documented)

RemoveFontResourceTracking (stub)

RemoveFontResourceW (not documented)

ResetDCA (not documented)

ResetDCW (not documented)

ResizePalette (not documented)

RestoreDC (not documented)

RoundRect (not documented)

SaveDC (not documented)

ScaleViewportExtEx (not documented)

ScaleWindowExtEx (not documented)

ScriptApplyDigitSubstitution (not documented)

ScriptApplyLogicalWidth (not documented)

ScriptBreak (not documented)

ScriptCacheGetHeight (not documented)

ScriptCPtoX (not documented)

ScriptFreeCache (not documented)

ScriptGetCMap (not documented)

ScriptGetFontAlternateGlyphs (not documented)

ScriptGetFontFeatureTags (not documented)

ScriptGetFontLanguageTags (not documented)

ScriptGetFontProperties (not documented)

ScriptGetFontScriptTags (not documented)

ScriptGetGlyphABCWidth (not documented)

ScriptGetLogicalWidths (not documented)

ScriptGetProperties (not documented)

ScriptIsComplex (not documented)

ScriptItemize (not documented)

ScriptItemizeOpenType (not documented)

ScriptJustify (not documented)

ScriptLayout (not documented)

ScriptPlace (not documented)

ScriptPlaceOpenType (not documented)

ScriptRecordDigitSubstitution (not documented)

ScriptShape (not documented)

ScriptShapeOpenType (not documented)

ScriptStringAnalyse (not documented)

ScriptStringCPtoX (not documented)

ScriptStringFree (not documented)

ScriptStringGetLogicalWidths (not documented)

ScriptStringGetOrder (not documented)

ScriptStringOut (not documented)

ScriptStringValidate (not documented)

ScriptStringXtoCP (not documented)

ScriptString_pLogAttr (not documented)

ScriptString_pSize (not documented)

ScriptString_pcOutChars (not documented)

ScriptTextOut (not documented)

ScriptXtoCP (not documented)

SelectBrushLocal (stub)

SelectClipPath (not documented)

SelectClipRgn (not documented)

SelectFontLocal (stub)

SelectObject (not documented)

SelectPalette (not documented)

SetAbortProc (not documented)

SetArcDirection (not documented)

SetBitmapBits (not documented)

SetBitmapDimensionEx (not documented)

SetBkColor (not documented)

SetBkMode (not documented)

SetBoundsRect (not documented)

SetBrushOrgEx (not documented)

SetColorAdjustment (not documented)

SetColorSpace (not documented)

SetDCBrushColor (not documented)

SetDCPenColor (not documented)

SetDIBColorTable (not documented)

SetDIBits (not documented)

SetDIBitsToDevice (not documented)

SetDeviceGammaRamp (not documented)

SetEnhMetaFileBits (not documented)

SetFontEnumeration (stub)

SetGraphicsMode (not documented)

SetICMMode (not documented)

SetICMProfileA (not documented)

SetICMProfileW (not documented)

SetLayout (not documented)

SetMagicColors (not documented)

SetMapMode (not documented)

SetMapperFlags (not documented)


SetMetaRgn (not documented)

SetMiterLimit (not documented)

SetObjectOwner (not documented)

SetPaletteEntries (not documented)

SetPixel (not documented)

SetPixelFormat (not documented)

SetPixelV (not documented)

SetPolyFillMode (not documented)

SetROP2 (not documented)

SetRectRgn (not documented)

SetRelAbs (not documented)

SetStretchBltMode (not documented)

SetSystemPaletteUse (not documented)

SetTextAlign (not documented)

SetTextCharacterExtra (not documented)

SetTextColor (not documented)

SetTextJustification (not documented)

SetViewportExtEx (not documented)

SetViewportOrgEx (not documented)

SetVirtualResolution (not documented)

SetWinMetaFileBits (not documented)

SetWindowExtEx (not documented)

SetWindowOrgEx (not documented)

SetWorldTransform (not documented)

StartDocA (not documented)

StartDocW (not documented)

StartPage (not documented)

StretchBlt (not documented)

StretchDIBits (not documented)

StrokeAndFillPath (not documented)

StrokePath (not documented)

SwapBuffers (not documented)

TextOutA (not documented)

TextOutW (not documented)

TranslateCharsetInfo (not documented)

UnloadNetworkFonts (stub)

UnrealizeObject (not documented)

UpdateColors (not documented)

UpdateICMRegKey (not documented)

UpdateICMRegKeyA (not documented)

UpdateICMRegKeyW (not documented)

WidenPath (not documented)

gdiPlaySpoolStream (stub)

pfnRealizePalette (extern)

pfnSelectPalette (extern)

pstackConnect (stub)

Copyright © 2024 The Wine Project. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Visit WineHQ for license details. Generated May 2024.