

30 June 2004
Interview with Shachar Shemesh by Brian Vincent

This is our 16th interview with Wine developers. Check out the Wine Interviews page for previous ones.

I'm always amazed at the diversity of Wine's developers. This week we sat down with Shachar Shemesh of Tel Aviv, Israel to discuss parts of Wine's internationalization. Shachar is a software consultant and ardent open source advocate. A few years ago he founded Lingnu Open Systems Consulting specializing in networking, security, and free software integration. In his spare time he volunteers as a board member for Hamakor , an Israeli organization that promotes free/open source software.

BV: How did you first get involved with Linux and Wine?

Shachar: Hmm, let's see. Linux was a gradual entrance. My first Linux experience was about 1992, when a friend bought a Ygdrassil distribution, and we sat and tried to compile the kernel (0.9 something, IIRC). Around 1996, as a sys admin, I connected the place I worked to the Internet, and the ISP recommended a Linux server for that, and offered to install it for me for $400. I politely said I'll do it myself. From there on it was pretty much inevitable.

As for Wine, I think I actually first heard of Wine through the ReactOS project announcement on Slashdot. I'm sure someone can look up when that was. It sounded interesting, but I never had the time for it. I was a Win32 programmer at the time, so I figured that it's an interesting way to do fun stuff. Strange, considering that today, when I present Wine, I have no answer to the question "So why are people doing ReactOS?" (sorry guys, don't lynch me, please).

At some point of my professional life I decided that adding Hebrew support for Wine would be an interesting thing to do. That was the first time I downloaded and compiled wine. At first, I went on IRC where I learned to always use BiDi (bidirectional) rather than "RTL" ("Right to Left") as a name for what I'm doing; RTL being also the name for Run Time Library . I then sent a message to wine-devel saying "hey, anybody working on it?".

I was, quite surprisingly answered in private by an IBM group in Jerusalem that, yes, they were working on it. They ran out of budget, however, and their code was never released. A colleague who works for IBM Israel (he is their chief "Linux guy") tried to get their already written code released, but didn't even succeed in doing that. Several months later I gave up on waiting for them, and started working on it on my own.

BV: So a few years ago IBM had Hebrew support working with Wine?

Shachar: They were, unsurprisingly, using ICU. I have seen none of their work, and it is probably not relevant anymore anyways. The same group also added Hebrew support to OpenOffice's writer version 1.0. That work was actually published (for anyone brave enough to compile OpenOffice, that is). Of course, by OO 1.1, there was support built into the product by Sun, and that work was a dead end too. I have heard conflicting reports on what actually happened there, regarding who's fault it was that the IBM code was not used. Not surprisingly, that project was also based on ICU.

BV: ICU is the same Unicode library you used to support Hebrew in Wine. How suited to the task is it?

Shachar: ICU has all the BiDi support we will ever need. Well, almost - it will probably be too hard to make it more MS BiDi compatible, but that is not a major issue. What is a major issue with ICU is that it is an entire Unicode implementation. This means it has lots and lots of stuff that Wine does itself. For example - GDI without BiDi support is ~2MB. With BiDi support from ICU statically linked, after ICU has been trimmed of all the easy-to-remove stuff, it grows to ~4MB. Without this trimming, it grows an additional 7MB to 11MB! Don't forget that GDI neither uses nor needs most of that code.

I guess things would not be so bad if you could just say "I'll just dynamically link it". For all practical purposes, you can't. As a design decision, ICU has the library version mangled into each function name. This means that you have to have the same version installed on the machine as the one you compiled with, or it won't be usable. As a byproduct of this, nobody uses ICU dynamically. Both Mozilla and OpenOffice use ICU for their reordering, and both of them statically link it. As a byproduct of that, almost no distro carries ICU, or carry a very old version of it. In short, I would like to ditch ICU as soon as possible.

There is another library, called "Fribidi", that also does reordering. That library has been my first choice from the beginning. The problem with this library is that it doesn't work with UTF-16, which means that I would have to translate each string from UTF-16 to UCS4 and back after conversion. I did, originally, write a patch that did just that, but Alexandre said "let's see how it goes", and from one thing to another, this route was abandoned. There were lots of talks about ADDING support for UTF-16 to Fribidi, including a technical suggestion by yours truly. However, with Behdad, the Fribidi maintainer, being too busy with other stuff that has not came to pass yet. He was actually relieved when I told him I was going with ICU, as he was probably feeling bad about holding Wine back.

ICU does one thing that Fribidi doesn't, which is "shaping". This is when a letter is rendered differently, depending on its place in the word. A letter may appear one way when alone, another when at the beginning of the word, a third when in the middle, and a forth when at the end. This is done automatically by the rendering engine. This, however, is not my itch to scratch - it is only relevant for Arabic and Farsi. Also, as Behdad is from Iran, and as last I heard he was working on it, it is likely that by the time Fribidi supports UTF-16, it will also support Arabic shaping.

BV: Do you set up your personal computer to use English, Hebrew or both?

Shachar: Most adapt computer users in Israel positively HATE the way user interfaces are translated into Hebrew. I think this is partly due to the way combined Hebrew/English text looks if BiDi is not done properly and partly due to the crappy way in which Windows supported Hebrew originally. This is probably one of the triggers that caused Microsoft to issue Windows 3.11 (which was supposed to be "fully international"). By Windows 95 time, TWO versions of Windows were available for both Hebrew and Arabic. One was a fully translated version, with menus in Hebrew, and the other was dubbed "Hebrew enabled", where the OS would speak only English, but would support BiDi and Hebrew. I also suspect that around that time they also changed the resource locating algorithm to always pick the OS language, regardless of locale settings. If they hadn't done that, programs written properly would start speaking Hebrew on OSes that were merely "Hebrew Enabled". Thankfully, Wine did not follow that madness (not that we don't have our own quirks, mind you). The separate "Enabled" version was terminated in Windows 2000, where you can make any installation speak any language. All the "Enabled" clients just used the English Windows 2000, adding Hebrew support.

On Linux, things are pretty similar, and for similar reasons. Most Linux users in Israel, myself included, use the English interface, installing Hebrew fonts. Today, Hebrew support is available in pretty much all major toolkits and environments. Gnome, KDE, Mozilla, OpenOffice, etc all support BiDi and Hebrew. Some do it better, some do it worse. In fact, due to the fact that the community normally capable of doing the translations doesn't have the itch, Hebrew interfaces in Linux are somewhat lagging. KDE is in considerably better shape than Gnome, though.

BV: I think a large problem with internationalization is that a lot of people just don't understand all the issues involved and therefore interfaces don't get designed well from the start.

Shachar: Yes. When you come to translate an interface, and you find that you have no way to reverse the order of GUI elements on screen, that is a major hindrance to implementing good Hebrew interfaces.

BV: Sure. A lot of us Latin-based speakers are pretty ignorant. Take for instance the recent question on wine-devel concerning calendars. I had never really considered any other system beside the Gregorian calendar.

Shachar: Well, day to day activities in Israel are according to the Gregorian calendar. Still, there are important differences. For example, the new Mozilla calendar is willing to let me set the week as starting on Sunday rather than Monday. It does not, however, comprehend the idea that weekends in Israel are Friday - Saturday, rather than Saturday-Sunday.

BV: What other types of things cause internationalization problems?

Shachar: I think there is no such thing "a project that works on all possible locales". ICU has a mechanism where you put in a number, and it gives out a textual representation of that number. The Hebrew data in ICU is horrible, to the point where whoever put the data in did not know the difference between the letter Zadi and the letter Ain (they look similar, but are pronounced entirely differently). Obviously they were not a Hebrew speaker, but someone who copied it from someplace.

I started to look at the raw data, and quickly had to stop. There is just no way to do it. In Hebrew, all nouns (animate, inanimate, and abstract) have a gender. Accordingly, most adjectives have a gender as well, that has to match that of the noun. In addition, the word "and" is not translated into a separate word, but into a letter prepended to the word (same goes for "the"). The ICU engine is simply not strong enough to handle these nuances when it needs to produce "two thousands three hundred and forty seven (female)". The list goes on and on. In short, I think the only way to produce really good localizable interfaces is to work with your translators, or give them access to the source :-)

BV: You gave an interesting presentation at WineConf about supporting languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. Could you give a brief overview of bidirectional text, how it works, and the challenges faced with supporting it?

Shachar: Phew - how do you present something like that to people who don't know the language? I'll use the Unicode convention that CAPITALS meaning, for the sake of this discussion, Hebrew characters, and lowercase meaning English. This way, if you want a sentence that displays as:

    RAC in english is said "car"

In other words - that's the visual order of the sentence. You would probably want to type it, letter by letter, in the same order you say it. Remember, we are reading all capitals from right to left, so you would want to type:

    CAR in english is said "car"

That's the logical order of the sentence. The trick is to do the logical->visual conversion in a way that will be most intuitive to the reader - that is, the reader's eye will naturally scan the letters in their logical order, when presented with the proper visual order. This is far more intuitive to people who know a BiDi language, as you automatically scan forward to look for where to continue reading when you hit a sequence of opposite direction. Still, if we take the sentence, in logical order:


Which is the exact same sentence, only in the different "language". Ideally, you would render it:


Notice how, despite the fact that both sentences begin with right-to-left characters, one has the right-to-left part on the left, while the other has the right-to-left part on the right? This is because the first is an English sentence, with an occasional Hebrew word, while the second is a Hebrew sentence, with an occasional English word. I think, introduction wise, we can stop here. You can rest assured that it gets much, much, much more complicated than that.

There are several algorithms for handling this task. Microsoft has one that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike anyone else's. Unicode has had about three versions to date, the latest of which is called "ANNEX #9 to the Unicode standard 3.0", available online at

For the brave of heart who want to read it, it consists of 35 steps+6 higher level overrides. Oh what fun. Like I said, it is almost compatible with what Microsoft is doing.

BV: That sounds like loads of fun. So, what does Wine do to support BiDi? Does it require special API's to be used by an application?

Shachar: Not as many special APIs exist as you would expect; in fact, so far none at all. BiDi processing, for the most part, is done on the strings in transit. There are a few flags that deal with BiDi, but that is mostly about stating whether the sentences used are RTL or LTR. Windows 3.1 had specific APIs for BiDi and I only recently found some old documentation for them.

At the moment, Wine mostly does the text output processing. I originally chose two of the 35 points the Unicode algorithm says I should do, and did just those. This worked far better than expected. In fact, it was "good enough" for many people. I later replaced that by ICU (an IBM library for Unicode support that also does BiDi). Several months ago, I even added paragraph direction support to most APIs. Dialogs don't enjoy it yet. At the moment most changes are centered around GDI, but I will probably have to move it out to a separate DLL when explicit support to DrawText is added. That's also how Windows does that, BTW. They use a DLL called LPK.DLL (Language Pack), which is, (un)fortunately, undocumented.

As for applications - despite the fact that the "treat strings as right to left in proper environment" flag exists in all development tools, very few applications know what to do with it. I don't really blame them - the effects of this flag are not so clear to anyone who has not had to rev-eng the system in order to reimplement it. As a result, most applications work with BiDi to the extent that they don't, as a rule, set paragraph direction properly.

Wine still lacks, quite glaringly, proper support for Hebrew menus, edit controls, and other areas I may not even be aware of. For an example of the menu support problem, consider the following example menu text:


According to the standard, the E should be underscored. What actually happens is one of two things. Either the entire thing gets reordered, resulting in:


Or, the character position that needs to be underlined is marked before reordering, resulting in the same effect as if you wrote:


Either way - the underline ends up in the wrong place.

For the edit control, the problem is even more amusing (and much more difficult to solve). There, as the text is being sent out as a whole, text appears properly as you type it. The cursor, however, is at the entirely wrong place. In effect, the cursor is located on the logical string, while the display shows the visual order.

Also, many applications rely on correctly identifying the current keyboard language, which may or may not be supported in current Wine, depending on who you ask.

BV: Doesn't Wine just get the keyboard info from X?

Shachar: The problem is not with getting the info from X. The problem is with relaying that info to the Win32 applications. Also, bear in mind that almost all Israeli users keep one Latin and one Hebrew keyboard available at all times. This is a different type of detection than the usual one. Dmitry Timoshkov did some work in that area, and I have heard reports of people saying that it worked for them. To date, I have not been able to get it to work myself. Not enough time for fun things I'm afraid.

BV: You mentioned that most applications for Windows implement their own form of BiDi such that no real standard exists. If so, why would Wine need to support BiDi natively? Couldn't we just use whatever comes with the application?

Shachar: Yes and no. The applications that do that are mostly those that either have to stick to an external standard, or have their own standard that they need to strictly adhere to. The first category includes, for example, Netscape/Mozilla, and the second includes Word/Office. Most applications don't do their own BiDi, but most applications that count do. Yes, you can run Word, assuming you don't want a Hebrew interface. The keyboard language problem will prevent you from actually using it for BiDi, but otherwise it will work quite nicely. Other applications, however, will probably suffer from the missing functionality. Even Word uses its own BiDi only for the actual text editing. Everything else is done using the OS. So effectively, you cannot really use it without Hebrew support in Wine.

BV: What other areas of Wine have you worked on?

Shachar: I was charged by a client with the task of making a specific program work. As it turned out, that program had (and still has) problems with the infamous UNICOWS.DLL, an MS attempt to bring a watered down version of Unicode to Windows 9x users. As luck would have it, I spent about three weeks getting a unicows replacement more or less working, only to be replaced by several lines of brilliant code written by Alexandre. Working on free software can be frustrating at times.

I was also involved in Wine's startup support - wineboot. That was really just a "I know this area from past experience, the basics are easy, just do it". Although it was announced good enough for 0.9, I still don't like where it's at. I would like to see it auto-running when needed. I'm afraid that cannot be easily done, at least not without the concept of wine "sessions".

Other than that, there are lots of places I would have loved to get involved in, which I will, regrettably, probably not have the time for. I think the most alluring to me, off the top of my head, are Cryptoapi, getting Winelib to run natively, and the security permissions APIs. I guess I will have to leave those to others, as I don't see myself getting the time to do these. Something which I may yet find the time for is getting Wine to work in a multi-user environment, with actual "session start" etc, as well as copying configurations over from a global setting.

BV: The security and crypto areas seem to be interesting because implementations have been done by other projects. All that's left is to integrate with Wine. Or am I wrong?

Shachar: I actually wrote a DES implementation once, many years ago. It was while I was taking a course in cryptography, and I wanted a royalty free DES implementation. I'm not sure whether SSLeay would have solved my needs, but I was not aware of it at the time. I mentioned that to my teacher, who showed some shock, and then said I must have a lot of free time on my hands.

In case someone wishes to say the teacher was naive, we are talking about Prof. Eli Biham. He is best known for writing Serpent (the first AES runner up), and also known to be the first one to find a working attack on DES. I don't think anyone can blame him for not having the capacity of understanding the amount of work involved.

So, no, I do not intend to write any cryptographic algorithms myself. Once was enough to understand that I neither have the free time for it, nor the right type of programming talent to do it efficiently. I am interested in that area because the APIs are interesting to me. Then again, like I said, that's something I'll probably not get around to.

BV: How is Linux doing in Israel? Are there many people who use it?

Shachar: Quite a lot. There are quite a few active lectures community, and several mailing lists, many of them in English. Then again, just when you think you know everyone, someone like Boaz Harrosh pops up. He did not belong to any of the standard communities, and the only reason I know of his existence is because of his participation in the Wine project.

BV: Is there an active Arab Linux community? Have you had any contact with them?

Shachar: I can't say for sure. I'm sure many of you read the interview on Slashdot with the guy who organized the Linux Installfest in Cairo . Unfortunately, we are not mingling much with them. There was some cooperation, but my personal impression is that the Arabic Linux community is much more scattered than in Israel. Maybe it has to do with higher computers per square kilometer ratio in Israel. There is one virtual community at . I was actually invited to participate in a yearly IRC party they were holding, to give Wine a voice. There are also some per-country communities, but I don't know much about them. I know of at least two people who are participating in the Israeli English speaking mailing lists and virtual communities.

I'll just mention that when we do establish contact, I don't get the feeling it's the political problems that cause cooperation not to work out. It probably has more to do with not enough time and resources. I think computer people, and free software people in particular, are too cynical to take such things on a personal level.

BV: And on a sidenote, how is your business doing?

Shachar: We're doing ok. It may turn out yet that Wine will play a role in what we're doing, but it's too early to tell for sure. I have not used Wine to solve a client problem per-se, but I have a client who has had a Wine problem and came to me. On the whole, and in a way that is totally unrelated to Wine, it seems that the economics of at least some of the free software development are sounder than some people would have you believe. When you are not an upstream supplier, investing money in developing software that will not be yours is not very difficult to justify economically. We have done/are doing several software development projects (the most major of which is an OLE DB provider for PostgreSQL), that are released as free software under a copyleft license, despite being requested by a paying customer.

Unfortunately, I am not yet at liberty to disclose exactly what the need was to trigger the Wine development. I will love to give the example on wine-devel when it's public knowledge. I can reassure everyone that all development done on wine was committed to be sent to wine-patches even before my client saw it.

BV: Thanks for the interview!