Michael Stefaniuc : winmm: Do not dump the version info when loading drivers.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at wine.codeweavers.com
Fri Jun 22 07:35:39 CDT 2007

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: cc2773008e4f844a5a8cd26eca002fd3b988a613
URL:    http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/?a=commit;h=cc2773008e4f844a5a8cd26eca002fd3b988a613

Author: Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani at redhat.de>
Date:   Thu Jun 21 21:32:28 2007 +0200

winmm: Do not dump the version info when loading drivers.


 dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c |   69 -------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c b/dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c
index 55ed500..f508395 100644
--- a/dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c
+++ b/dlls/winmm/lolvldrv.c
@@ -103,68 +103,6 @@ BOOL            MMDRV_Is32(unsigned int idx)
- * 				MMDRV_GetDescription32		[internal]
- */
-static	BOOL	MMDRV_GetDescription32(const char* fname, char* buf, int buflen)
-    OFSTRUCT   	ofs;
-    DWORD	h;
-    LPVOID	ptr = 0;
-    LPVOID	val;
-    DWORD	dw;
-    BOOL	ret = FALSE;
-    UINT	u;
-    FARPROC pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA;
-    FARPROC pGetFileVersionInfoA;
-    FARPROC pVerQueryValueA;
-    HMODULE hmodule = 0;
-    TRACE("(%p, %p, %d)\n", fname, buf, buflen);
-#define E(_x)	do {TRACE _x;goto theEnd;} while(0)
-    if (OpenFile(fname, &ofs, OF_EXIST)==HFILE_ERROR)		E(("Can't find file %s\n", fname));
-    if (!(hmodule = LoadLibraryA( "version.dll" ))) goto theEnd;
-    if (!(pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA = GetProcAddress( hmodule, "GetFileVersionInfoSizeA" )))
-        goto theEnd;
-    if (!(pGetFileVersionInfoA = GetProcAddress( hmodule, "GetFileVersionInfoA" )))
-        goto theEnd;
-    if (!(pVerQueryValueA = GetProcAddress( hmodule, "VerQueryValueA" )))
-        goto theEnd;
-    if (!(dw = pGetFileVersionInfoSizeA(ofs.szPathName, &h)))	E(("Can't get FVIS\n"));
-    if (!(ptr = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dw)))		E(("OOM\n"));
-    if (!pGetFileVersionInfoA(ofs.szPathName, h, dw, ptr))	E(("Can't get FVI\n"));
-#define	A(_x) if (pVerQueryValueA(ptr, "\\StringFileInfo\\040904B0\\" #_x, &val, &u)) \
-                  TRACE(#_x " => %s\n", (LPSTR)val); else TRACE(#_x " @\n")
-    A(CompanyName);
-    A(FileDescription);
-    A(FileVersion);
-    A(InternalName);
-    A(LegalCopyright);
-    A(OriginalFilename);
-    A(ProductName);
-    A(ProductVersion);
-    A(Comments);
-    A(LegalTrademarks);
-    A(PrivateBuild);
-    A(SpecialBuild);
-#undef A
-    if (!pVerQueryValueA(ptr, "\\StringFileInfo\\040904B0\\ProductName", &val, &u)) E(("Can't get product name\n"));
-    lstrcpynA(buf, val, buflen);
-#undef E
-    ret = TRUE;
-    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr);
-    if (hmodule) FreeLibrary( hmodule );
-    return ret;
  * 			MMDRV_GetNum				[internal]
@@ -666,7 +604,6 @@ static	BOOL	MMDRV_Install(LPCSTR drvRegName, LPCSTR drvFileName, BOOL bIsMapper)
     if (lpDrv->bIs32) {
 	WINEMM_msgFunc32	func;
-        char    		buffer[128];
 	if (d->d.d32.hModule) {
 #define A(_x,_y)	AA(d->d.d32.hModule,_x,_y,32,GetProcAddress)
@@ -678,12 +615,6 @@ static	BOOL	MMDRV_Install(LPCSTR drvRegName, LPCSTR drvFileName, BOOL bIsMapper)
 	    A(MMDRV_WAVEOUT,	wodMessage);
 #undef A
-        if (TRACE_ON(winmm)) {
-            if (MMDRV_GetDescription32(drvFileName, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
-		TRACE("%s => %s\n", drvFileName, buffer);
-	    else
-		TRACE("%s => No description\n", drvFileName);
-        }
     } else if (WINMM_CheckForMMSystem() && pFnLoadMMDrvFunc16) {
         count += pFnLoadMMDrvFunc16(drvFileName, d, lpDrv);

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