Nikolay Sivov : msxml3: Remove no longer used node data type helper.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Mon Jan 16 13:01:29 CST 2012

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: df434065d33933ebceec966b46bdca0147e2bdac

Author: Nikolay Sivov <nsivov at>
Date:   Mon Jan 16 00:47:46 2012 +0300

msxml3: Remove no longer used node data type helper.


 dlls/msxml3/node.c |  206 ----------------------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 206 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/msxml3/node.c b/dlls/msxml3/node.c
index 290019e..adc38cb 100644
--- a/dlls/msxml3/node.c
+++ b/dlls/msxml3/node.c
@@ -65,30 +65,6 @@ MAKE_FUNCPTR(xsltParseStylesheetDoc);
-/* TODO: get rid of these and use the enum */
-static const WCHAR szBinBase64[]  = {'b','i','n','.','b','a','s','e','6','4',0};
-static const WCHAR szString[]     = {'s','t','r','i','n','g',0};
-static const WCHAR szNumber[]     = {'n','u','m','b','e','r',0};
-static const WCHAR szInt[]        = {'I','n','t',0};
-static const WCHAR szFixed[]      = {'F','i','x','e','d','.','1','4','.','4',0};
-static const WCHAR szBoolean[]    = {'B','o','o','l','e','a','n',0};
-static const WCHAR szDateTime[]   = {'d','a','t','e','T','i','m','e',0};
-static const WCHAR szDateTimeTZ[] = {'d','a','t','e','T','i','m','e','.','t','z',0};
-static const WCHAR szDate[]       = {'D','a','t','e',0};
-static const WCHAR szTime[]       = {'T','i','m','e',0};
-static const WCHAR szTimeTZ[]     = {'T','i','m','e','.','t','z',0};
-static const WCHAR szI1[]         = {'i','1',0};
-static const WCHAR szI2[]         = {'i','2',0};
-static const WCHAR szI4[]         = {'i','4',0};
-static const WCHAR szIU1[]        = {'u','i','1',0};
-static const WCHAR szIU2[]        = {'u','i','2',0};
-static const WCHAR szIU4[]        = {'u','i','4',0};
-static const WCHAR szR4[]         = {'r','4',0};
-static const WCHAR szR8[]         = {'r','8',0};
-static const WCHAR szFloat[]      = {'f','l','o','a','t',0};
-static const WCHAR szUUID[]       = {'u','u','i','d',0};
-static const WCHAR szBinHex[]     = {'b','i','n','.','h','e','x',0};
 static const IID IID_xmlnode = {0x4f2f4ba2,0xb822,0x11df,{0x8b,0x8a,0x68,0x50,0xdf,0xd7,0x20,0x85}};
 xmlNodePtr xmlNodePtr_from_domnode( IXMLDOMNode *iface, xmlElementType type )
@@ -767,188 +743,6 @@ HRESULT node_put_text(xmlnode *This, BSTR text)
     return S_OK;
-static inline BYTE hex_to_byte(xmlChar c)
-    if(c <= '9') return c-'0';
-    if(c <= 'F') return c-'A'+10;
-    return c-'a'+10;
-static inline BYTE base64_to_byte(xmlChar c)
-    if(c == '+') return 62;
-    if(c == '/') return 63;
-    if(c <= '9') return c-'0'+52;
-    if(c <= 'Z') return c-'A';
-    return c-'a'+26;
-/* TODO: phasing this version out */
-static inline HRESULT VARIANT_from_xmlChar(xmlChar *str, VARIANT *v, BSTR type)
-    if(!type || !lstrcmpiW(type, szString) ||
-            !lstrcmpiW(type, szNumber) || !lstrcmpiW(type, szUUID))
-    {
-        V_VT(v) = VT_BSTR;
-        V_BSTR(v) = bstr_from_xmlChar(str);
-        if(!V_BSTR(v))
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    }
-    else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szDateTime) || !lstrcmpiW(type, szDateTimeTZ) ||
-            !lstrcmpiW(type, szDate) || !lstrcmpiW(type, szTime) ||
-            !lstrcmpiW(type, szTimeTZ))
-    {
-        VARIANT src;
-        WCHAR *p, *e;
-        SYSTEMTIME st;
-        DOUBLE date = 0.0;
-        st.wYear = 1899;
-        st.wMonth = 12;
-        st.wDay = 30;
-        st.wDayOfWeek = st.wHour = st.wMinute = st.wSecond = st.wMilliseconds = 0;
-        V_VT(&src) = VT_BSTR;
-        V_BSTR(&src) = bstr_from_xmlChar(str);
-        if(!V_BSTR(&src))
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        p = V_BSTR(&src);
-        e = p + SysStringLen(V_BSTR(&src));
-        if(p+4<e && *(p+4)=='-') /* parse date (yyyy-mm-dd) */
-        {
-            st.wYear = atoiW(p);
-            st.wMonth = atoiW(p+5);
-            st.wDay = atoiW(p+8);
-            p += 10;
-            if(*p == 'T') p++;
-        }
-        if(p+2<e && *(p+2)==':') /* parse time (hh:mm:ss.?) */
-        {
-            st.wHour = atoiW(p);
-            st.wMinute = atoiW(p+3);
-            st.wSecond = atoiW(p+6);
-            p += 8;
-            if(*p == '.')
-            {
-                p++;
-                while(isdigitW(*p)) p++;
-            }
-        }
-        SystemTimeToVariantTime(&st, &date);
-        V_VT(v) = VT_DATE;
-        V_DATE(v) = date;
-        if(*p == '+') /* parse timezone offset (+hh:mm) */
-            V_DATE(v) += (DOUBLE)atoiW(p+1)/24 + (DOUBLE)atoiW(p+4)/1440;
-        else if(*p == '-') /* parse timezone offset (-hh:mm) */
-            V_DATE(v) -= (DOUBLE)atoiW(p+1)/24 + (DOUBLE)atoiW(p+4)/1440;
-        VariantClear(&src);
-    }
-    else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szBinHex))
-    {
-        SAFEARRAYBOUND sab;
-        int i, len;
-        len = xmlStrlen(str)/2;
-        sab.lLbound = 0;
-        sab.cElements = len;
-        V_VT(v) = (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1);
-        V_ARRAY(v) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &sab);
-        if(!V_ARRAY(v))
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        for(i=0; i<len; i++)
-            ((BYTE*)V_ARRAY(v)->pvData)[i] = (hex_to_byte(str[2*i])<<4)
-                + hex_to_byte(str[2*i+1]);
-    }
-    else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szBinBase64))
-    {
-        SAFEARRAYBOUND sab;
-        int i, len;
-        len  = xmlStrlen(str);
-        if(str[len-2] == '=') i = 2;
-        else if(str[len-1] == '=') i = 1;
-        else i = 0;
-        sab.lLbound = 0;
-        sab.cElements = len/4*3-i;
-        V_VT(v) = (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1);
-        V_ARRAY(v) = SafeArrayCreate(VT_UI1, 1, &sab);
-        if(!V_ARRAY(v))
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        for(i=0; i<len/4; i++)
-        {
-            ((BYTE*)V_ARRAY(v)->pvData)[3*i] = (base64_to_byte(str[4*i])<<2)
-                + (base64_to_byte(str[4*i+1])>>4);
-            if(3*i+1 < sab.cElements)
-                ((BYTE*)V_ARRAY(v)->pvData)[3*i+1] = (base64_to_byte(str[4*i+1])<<4)
-                    + (base64_to_byte(str[4*i+2])>>2);
-            if(3*i+2 < sab.cElements)
-                ((BYTE*)V_ARRAY(v)->pvData)[3*i+2] = (base64_to_byte(str[4*i+2])<<6)
-                    + base64_to_byte(str[4*i+3]);
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        VARIANT src;
-        HRESULT hres;
-        if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szInt) || !lstrcmpiW(type, szI4))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_I4;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szFixed))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_CY;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szBoolean))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_BOOL;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szI1))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_I1;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szI2))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_I2;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szIU1))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_UI1;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szIU2))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_UI2;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szIU4))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_UI4;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szR4))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_R4;
-        else if(!lstrcmpiW(type, szR8) || !lstrcmpiW(type, szFloat))
-            V_VT(v) = VT_R8;
-        else
-        {
-            FIXME("Type handling not yet implemented\n");
-            V_VT(v) = VT_BSTR;
-        }
-        V_VT(&src) = VT_BSTR;
-        V_BSTR(&src) = bstr_from_xmlChar(str);
-        if(!V_BSTR(&src))
-            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-        hres = VariantChangeTypeEx(v, &src, MAKELCID(MAKELANGID(
-                        LANG_ENGLISH,SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US),SORT_DEFAULT),0, V_VT(v));
-        VariantClear(&src);
-        return hres;
-    }
-    return S_OK;
 BSTR EnsureCorrectEOL(BSTR sInput)
     int nNum = 0;

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