Josh DuBois : wineandroid: Implement GetKeyNameText.

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Fri Jun 9 12:43:58 CDT 2017

Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: 86534e0dd55d972b35ccecf2e9a2b3f53059d3a6

Author: Josh DuBois <duboisj at>
Date:   Fri Jun  9 09:19:42 2017 +0200

wineandroid: Implement GetKeyNameText.

Signed-off-by: Alexandre Julliard <julliard at>


 dlls/wineandroid.drv/keyboard.c           | 172 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/wineandroid.drv/wineandroid.drv.spec |   1 +
 2 files changed, 173 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/wineandroid.drv/keyboard.c b/dlls/wineandroid.drv/keyboard.c
index b3ac76f..9afb73a 100644
--- a/dlls/wineandroid.drv/keyboard.c
+++ b/dlls/wineandroid.drv/keyboard.c
@@ -522,6 +522,118 @@ static const WORD vkey_to_scancode[] =
     0,     /* 0xff undefined */
+static const struct
+    DWORD       vkey;
+    const char *name;
+} vkey_names[] = {
+    { VK_ADD,                   "Num +" },
+    { VK_BACK,                  "Backspace" },
+    { VK_CAPITAL,               "Caps Lock" },
+    { VK_CONTROL,               "Ctrl" },
+    { VK_DECIMAL,               "Num Del" },
+    { VK_DELETE | 0x100,        "Delete" },
+    { VK_DIVIDE | 0x100,        "Num /" },
+    { VK_DOWN | 0x100,          "Down" },
+    { VK_END | 0x100,           "End" },
+    { VK_ESCAPE,                "Esc" },
+    { VK_F1,                    "F1" },
+    { VK_F2,                    "F2" },
+    { VK_F3,                    "F3" },
+    { VK_F4,                    "F4" },
+    { VK_F5,                    "F5" },
+    { VK_F6,                    "F6" },
+    { VK_F7,                    "F7" },
+    { VK_F8,                    "F8" },
+    { VK_F9,                    "F9" },
+    { VK_F10,                   "F10" },
+    { VK_F11,                   "F11" },
+    { VK_F12,                   "F12" },
+    { VK_F13,                   "F13" },
+    { VK_F14,                   "F14" },
+    { VK_F15,                   "F15" },
+    { VK_F16,                   "F16" },
+    { VK_F17,                   "F17" },
+    { VK_F18,                   "F18" },
+    { VK_F19,                   "F19" },
+    { VK_F20,                   "F20" },
+    { VK_F21,                   "F21" },
+    { VK_F22,                   "F22" },
+    { VK_F23,                   "F23" },
+    { VK_F24,                   "F24" },
+    { VK_HELP | 0x100,          "Help" },
+    { VK_HOME | 0x100,          "Home" },
+    { VK_INSERT | 0x100,        "Insert" },
+    { VK_LCONTROL,              "Ctrl" },
+    { VK_LEFT | 0x100,          "Left" },
+    { VK_LMENU,                 "Alt" },
+    { VK_LSHIFT,                "Shift" },
+    { VK_LWIN | 0x100,          "Win" },
+    { VK_MENU,                  "Alt" },
+    { VK_MULTIPLY,              "Num *" },
+    { VK_NEXT | 0x100,          "Page Down" },
+    { VK_NUMLOCK | 0x100,       "Num Lock" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD0,               "Num 0" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD1,               "Num 1" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD2,               "Num 2" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD3,               "Num 3" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD4,               "Num 4" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD5,               "Num 5" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD6,               "Num 6" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD7,               "Num 7" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD8,               "Num 8" },
+    { VK_NUMPAD9,               "Num 9" },
+    { VK_OEM_CLEAR,             "Num Clear" },
+    { VK_OEM_NEC_EQUAL | 0x100, "Num =" },
+    { VK_PRIOR | 0x100,         "Page Up" },
+    { VK_RCONTROL | 0x100,      "Right Ctrl" },
+    { VK_RETURN,                "Return" },
+    { VK_RETURN | 0x100,        "Num Enter" },
+    { VK_RIGHT | 0x100,         "Right" },
+    { VK_RMENU | 0x100,         "Right Alt" },
+    { VK_RSHIFT,                "Right Shift" },
+    { VK_RWIN | 0x100,          "Right Win" },
+    { VK_SEPARATOR,             "Num ," },
+    { VK_SHIFT,                 "Shift" },
+    { VK_SPACE,                 "Space" },
+    { VK_SUBTRACT,              "Num -" },
+    { VK_TAB,                   "Tab" },
+    { VK_UP | 0x100,            "Up" },
+    { VK_VOLUME_DOWN | 0x100,   "Volume Down" },
+    { VK_VOLUME_MUTE | 0x100,   "Mute" },
+    { VK_VOLUME_UP | 0x100,     "Volume Up" },
+    { VK_OEM_MINUS,             "-" },
+    { VK_OEM_PLUS,              "=" },
+    { VK_OEM_1,                 ";" },
+    { VK_OEM_2,                 "/" },
+    { VK_OEM_3,                 "`" },
+    { VK_OEM_4,                 "[" },
+    { VK_OEM_5,                 "\\" },
+    { VK_OEM_6,                 "]" },
+    { VK_OEM_7,                 "'" },
+    { VK_OEM_COMMA,             "," },
+    { VK_OEM_PERIOD,            "." },
+static UINT scancode_to_vkey( UINT scan )
+    UINT j;
+    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(vkey_to_scancode)/sizeof(vkey_to_scancode[0]); j++)
+        if (vkey_to_scancode[j] == scan)
+            return j;
+    return 0;
+static const char* vkey_to_name( UINT vkey )
+    UINT j;
+    for (j = 0; j < sizeof(vkey_names)/sizeof(vkey_names[0]); j++)
+        if (vkey_names[j].vkey == vkey)
+            return vkey_names[j].name;
+    return NULL;
  *           keyboard_event
@@ -649,3 +761,63 @@ INT CDECL ANDROID_ToUnicodeEx( UINT virt, UINT scan, const BYTE *state,
     TRACE( "returning %d / %s\n", strlenW( buffer ), debugstr_wn(buf, strlenW( buffer )));
     return strlenW( buffer );
+ *           ANDROID_GetKeyNameText
+ */
+INT CDECL ANDROID_GetKeyNameText( LONG lparam, LPWSTR buffer, INT size )
+    int scancode, vkey, len;
+    const char *name;
+    char key[2];
+    scancode = (lparam >> 16) & 0x1FF;
+    vkey = scancode_to_vkey( scancode );
+    if (lparam & (1 << 25))
+    {
+        /* Caller doesn't care about distinctions between left and
+           right keys. */
+        switch (vkey)
+        {
+        case VK_LSHIFT:
+        case VK_RSHIFT:
+            vkey = VK_SHIFT; break;
+        case VK_LCONTROL:
+        case VK_RCONTROL:
+            vkey = VK_CONTROL; break;
+        case VK_LMENU:
+        case VK_RMENU:
+            vkey = VK_MENU; break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (scancode & 0x100) vkey |= 0x100;
+    if ((vkey >= 0x30 && vkey <= 0x39) || (vkey >= 0x41 && vkey <= 0x5a))
+    {
+        key[0] = vkey;
+        if (vkey >= 0x41)
+            key[0] += 0x20;
+        key[1] = 0;
+        name = key;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        name = vkey_to_name( vkey );
+    }
+    len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_UTF8, 0, name, -1, buffer, size );
+    if (len) len--;
+    if (!len)
+    {
+        static const WCHAR format[] = {'K','e','y',' ','0','x','%','0','2','x',0};
+        snprintfW( buffer, size, format, vkey );
+        len = strlenW( buffer );
+    }
+    TRACE( "lparam 0x%08x -> %s\n", lparam, debugstr_w( buffer ));
+    return len;
diff --git a/dlls/wineandroid.drv/wineandroid.drv.spec b/dlls/wineandroid.drv/wineandroid.drv.spec
index 1a74624..4e7815a 100644
--- a/dlls/wineandroid.drv/wineandroid.drv.spec
+++ b/dlls/wineandroid.drv/wineandroid.drv.spec
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 # USER driver
+@ cdecl GetKeyNameText(long ptr long) ANDROID_GetKeyNameText
 @ cdecl ToUnicodeEx(long long ptr ptr long long long) ANDROID_ToUnicodeEx
 @ cdecl EnumDisplayMonitors(long ptr ptr long) ANDROID_EnumDisplayMonitors
 @ cdecl GetMonitorInfo(long ptr) ANDROID_GetMonitorInfo

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