FONT 8 requested, but 6x12 choosen: Wrong setup?

Uwe Bonnes bon at
Fri Apr 20 17:37:35 CDT 2001


the entry dialog of the Encarta 99 setup (from Computer Bild) looks wrong 
on my system:
The box is to small and graphics and text overlap. This is caused by
CreateDialogIndirect requesting an Font with width 8, but wine choosing a font
with width 6. Manually correcting the return value of DIALOG_GetCharSizeFromDC
to 8 gets the visula impression right. 

Is this caused by me setting up something wrong? Any hints how to setup right?

Call USER.219: CREATEDIALOGINDIRECT(0x02fe,058f:0008,0x0390,0x02ef7778) ret=02ef:76b5 ds=02ff
trace:dialog:DIALOG_ParseTemplate16 DIALOG 0, 0, 293, 214
trace:dialog:DIALOG_ParseTemplate16  STYLE 50000040
trace:dialog:DIALOG_ParseTemplate16  CAPTION ''
trace:dialog:DIALOG_ParseTemplate16  FONT 8,'Helv'
trace:font:X11DRV_FONT_SelectObject hfont=ffed
trace:font:XFONT_RealizeFont physfont 1
trace:font:CreateFontIndirectW (-10 0 0 0) 'L"Helv"'   => 09f6
trace:font:XFONT_UnAlias found alias 'Helv'->Helvetica'
trace:font:X11DRV_FONT_SelectObject hfont=09f6
trace:font:XFONT_MatchDeviceFont (1) 'Helvetica' h=-10 weight=0 
trace:font:XFONT_MatchDeviceFont found facename 'Helvetica'
trace:font:XFONT_Match  [ 10pt h=12  w=6   Bold Italic]
trace:font:XFONT_Match   returning 518
trace:font:XFONT_Match  [ 12pt h=18  w=10  Normal ]
trace:font:XFONT_Match   returning 560
trace:font:XFONT_Match  [ 13pt h=20  w=11  Normal ]
trace:font:XFONT_Match   returning 576
trace:font:XFONT_Match  [ 17pt h=27  w=14  Normal ]
trace:font:XFONT_Match   returning 624
trace:font:XFONT_Match  [ 23pt h=35  w=19  Normal ]
trace:font:XFONT_Match   returning 688
trace:font:LFD_ComposeLFD       LFD(uRelax=0): -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-11-*-100-100-p-*-iso8859-1
trace:font:XFONT_RealizeFont physfont 3
trace:font:GetTextMetricsW text metrics:
    Weight = 400         FirstChar = 32  AveCharWidth = 6
    Italic =   0         LastChar = 255          MaxCharWidth = 11
    UnderLined = 0       DefaultChar = 32        Overhang = 0
    StruckOut = 0        BreakChar = 32  CharSet = 0
    PitchAndFamily = 21
    InternalLeading = 2
    Ascent = 10
    Descent = 2
    Height = 12
trace:font:GetTextExtentPointA not bug compatible.
trace:font:GetTextExtentPoint32A (00000088 "abcd"... 4 0x407c6c8c): returning 22 x 12
trace:dialog:DIALOG_GetCharSizeFromDC Using tm: 6x12 (dlg: 6 x 12) (variable)


Uwe Bonnes                bon at

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