msvcrt error

Chris Morgan cmorgan at CaptainMorgan
Mon Apr 30 15:36:34 CDT 2001

I'm getting this error:

Could not stat /mnt/fd0 (No such file or directory), ignoring drive A:
err:win32:PE_FindExportedFunction function not found for forward 
'ntdll._iswctype' used by 'msvcrt.dll'. If you are using builtin 
'msvcrt.dll', try using the native one instead.
err:win32:fixup_imports No implementation for MSVCRT.dll.636(iswctype) 
imported from C:\program files\notepad.exe, setting to 0xdeadbeef
~/program files$ 

when running notepad.exe using builtin msvcrt.dll.  Any ideas on what might 
be causing this?


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