UNC patch

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at voila.fr
Thu Dec 6 06:24:45 CST 2001

> Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about. Maybe it is my bad 
> english or my little knowledge about windows.
no, it's my French ;-)

what I'm talking about binding is the operation of making the relationship between a UNC name and a (samba-) mounted SMB share.

the equivalent operation for names (making the relationship between a DOS driver letter and a Unix directory) is driven by the Wine configuration.

Even, if both schemes are a bit different, I thought we need the same configuration capabilities in Wine. These are several things we could do (first one is a must have IMO, the others are open to discussion)
- enable / disable the UNC to mount point parsing
- enable / disable the UNX to mount point parsing on a per host basis
- fully configure the UNC to mount point (like we do for DOS drive letters)
- ...

Eric Pouech 
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