Decision process on possible switch to LGPL

Roger Fujii rmf at
Sat Dec 15 18:39:13 CST 2001

Dan Kegel <dank at> wrote:
> Who has to decide what in order for the Wine project
> to switch to the LGPL?

I believe the process involves all prior contributors allowing this, or
have the non-LGPL code rewritten and that work be LGPLed.  Pending on the
number of authors, the effort can be non-trivial.  Look at the license
change discussions for mozilla and kde if you want to get the grasp of what
is required.
> Could it be as simple as the wine cvs tree accepting LGPL'd contributions
> along with old-license contributions?

Not if you want a "pure" LGPL distribution.
> Or need one go so far as requiring all new contributions to the cvs
> tree be under the LGPL?

even further.
> Would a valid way of voting be to open up a new cvs tree that
> accepted only LGPL contributions, and giving maintainers the
> choice of which tree (or both) to submit to?  That would
> within not too long show how contributors felt.

This is going to encourage more development...  NOT.
What you definitely don't want is confusion over what license
is being used.  Unless you make a stipulation that the final
license chosen will automatically convert the other license, 
it would just be a mess as you then will have 2 source trees
which you have to go back and reconcile.

Roger Fujii <rmf at>
Underemployed, and trying to keep it that way....

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