Installshield 6 (inter-proc) patches

Patrik Stridvall ps at
Mon Dec 17 11:27:06 CST 2001

> While I am thinking about this, there are some interesting 
> things in the 
> LGPL.  One of these is that you can modify the LGPL library 
> to work with 
> your code.  The catch is that you have to release source to the 
> modifications and that the modifications must not require that your 
> proprietary component be included.  The text of the license 
> mentions that 
> if you modify a function that computes square roots to hook into your 
> proprietary components that the function must still compute 
> square roots.  
> But in Wine's case, many functions don't do what they are 
> supposed to do, 
> or they do what they are supposed to do but that's not what 
> actually needs 
> to be done.  

That is a very intresting point. Thank you for bring it to my
attention. I didn't realize that.

Hmm. I will have to think about it what this means, if it
indeed means something.

> This stuck out like a sore thumb to me, but 
> maybe it's not 
> such a big deal.

Can you perhaps say exactly what bothered you?

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