Installshield 6 (inter-proc) patches

David Elliott dfe at
Tue Dec 18 22:12:15 CST 2001

On 2001.12.18 06:13 Geoff Thorpe wrote:
> The rest of the suggestion I would like to make may seem somewhat
> surprising; dual license this BSD+adv-clause with the GPL. Not LGPL, but
> GPL. GPL is an enormous hunk of trouble I know, but under a dual license
> you're only bound by it if you choose to use it instead of the
> alternative.

Umm, didn't I suggest dual-license Original BSD (w/ Advertising Clause) 
and LGPL in one of the first mails of this thread????

Or maybe I was thinking that and never actually sent the mail out.

Now why you would want to dual license Original BSD/GPL is beyond me.  GPL 
is just simply not at all suitable for Wine.

Honestly, the dual-license Original BSD/LGPL seems very ideal to me.  
TransGaming could continue business as usual.  Any future users of Wine 
would be required to disclose the fact that they were using Wine (which 
IMHO is a good thing) and we would still remain (L)GPL compatible since we 
would also be licensed as LGPL.

This dual licensing also has the advantage that it would put Patrick's 
arguments to rest since I could not see any person or company willing to 
push the LGPL to the limits simply to remove an advertising clause.  
Although I am sure Patrick will be more than happy to come up with an 
ongoing argument against this.

The only disadvantage to this method is that it really doesn't give us 
much protection.  The only thing it offers us is that people who want to 
avoid the LGPL will have to make it known that they did so.

If we do go this route, I would highly suggest specifying a very prominent 
advertising clause.  That is to say something like anywhere the 
application displays information about itself it should include a phrase 
such as "developed with Wine technology, visit for 
information".  Examples of places would be splash screens, about boxes, 
etc. for GUI apps and maybe a line or two output for CLI apps that already 
display their name in their output.

E.g. a CLI tool known as Foo application might display:
Foo Application v1.0 Copyright 2001 Bar Corporation
Developed using Wine technology, visit

This would also hold true for something like Lindows.  During startup I 
assume it would display something like "Starting Lindows" so it should 
also be required to say something like "Developed using Wine technology, 

Companies or individuals who would prefer not to have the advertising 
clause can simply abide by the LGPL license.


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