Mouse trouble

Ove Kaaven ovehk at
Mon Jul 16 05:34:10 CDT 2001

On Sun, 15 Jul 2001, Daniel Bingham wrote:

> I just got the latest CVS and when I tried to run starcraft my mouse
> won't move.  I have dxgrab turned on so as not to have my mouse going
> off the screen when I try to move.  I am not very knowledgeable about
> wine or programming, so I thought I'd tell someone who was.

Known bug in the current CVS. Turn dxgrab off. If it's on, mouse events
are lost. I'm working on it, but have not yet thought of a way to fix it;
I need to run a procedure (GrabPointer) in the context of the thread that
owns the window that gets the grab. My latest idea was to queue an APC to
the owner of the window, but QueueUserAPC requires a thread handle, while
GetWindowThreadProcessId only returns a thread ID.

Does anyone else on wine-devel have any other ideas?

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