native dll's

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Fri Jul 27 10:29:08 CDT 2001

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001, José Soriano Díaz wrote:
> > >         So my question is quite siple How can I link a native dll in
> > > a Unix project?
> >
> >    I think you have used the right approach: LoadLibrary /
> >GetProcAddress / FreeLibrary. If that works for you then it's the
> >simplest approach.
> 	I'm afraid it doesn't work, when I executed what I compiled , I obtained 
> "Undefined Symbol" in any call to the native dll. Thanks anyway for the 
> advice.

   That's strange. It sounds like you are simply calling the functions
but I thought you were using GetProcAddress to get a function pointer
and then using that function pointer to call each function you imported
from the dll. You should not have any undefined symbol when doing that.
   It's not C++? (C++ makes things more intractable because each virtual
function table is a hidden import of a non function symbol.)
   Also you should be warned of any undefined symbol at link
time. Didn't you get such warnings? What did they say?

Francois Gouget         fgouget at
           Demander si un ordinateur peut penser revient à demander
                          si un sous-marin peut nager.

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