NT Status vs. Dos Error code in async operations

Martin Wilck Martin.Wilck at fujitsu-siemens.com
Wed Apr 10 06:51:17 CDT 2002


If my understanding of the MS docs is correct, the status
of overlapped requests is stored as an NT status in
lpOverlapped->Internal (As Mike implemented it). The error code returned
by GetOverlappedResult() or passed to the completion routine, though,
is a DOS error code. Thus in priciple we'd need to convert the status
with RtlNtStatusToDosError(), right ?

Moreover, if our async read()/write() operations fail, we simply set
the status to STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL which translates to ERROR_GEN_FAILURE -
not very meaningful to our users.

What we'd need would consequently be a errno->NT status converter to
set the overlapped status correctly from the error reported by read or

I can't seem to find one in the wine code (??). There only seem to be
local errno -> DOS error converters, and no DOS error->Nt status

What should we do?


Martin Wilck                Phone: +49 5251 8 15113
Fujitsu Siemens Computers   Fax:   +49 5251 8 20409
Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring 1	    mailto:Martin.Wilck at Fujitsu-Siemens.com
D-33106 Paderborn           http://www.fujitsu-siemens.com/primergy

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