PATCH: Convert HDRVR to a void*

Alexandre Julliard julliard at
Tue Aug 6 20:42:01 CDT 2002

Michael Stefaniuc <mstefani at> writes:

> 1.) just include dlls/winmm/winemm.h
> 2.) put the $HANDLE_{16,32} macros into include/wownt32.h surrounded by
>     #ifdef __WINE__ and include wownt32.h
> 3.) put the $HANDLE_{16,32} macros into one of the include/wine/*.h
>     header files (in which?)
> 4.) create include/wine/handleconv.h and put all handle conversions into
>     it
> I would prefer 4 and 3 but I don't mind to do it in any way.

5) duplicate the HDRVR_16 macro into msvideo.

This should be a rare problem since in general 16-bit functions are
not exported across dlls, so duplicating the macro shouldn't really be
a problem. And we can always change it later if it turns out that we
have a lot of duplicated stuff.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at

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