MSI (MS Installer)

Sylvain Petreolle spetreolle at
Tue Dec 10 11:10:01 CST 2002

Do you really think that rpm/deb are nasty ? ;)
The Windows Installer Service is just a rpm-like (guess what
distribution I run ;)

> Those MSI's are really nasty.  IIRC, theyre like one big 
> relational-database-style table in there, and, since they are
> cramming 
> all the features of this particular "app" (the "Windows Installer 
> Service," I guess) into a single table, you can guess how elegant and
> beautifully orthogonal the results are.  I haven't really messed with
> them but I get the impression it might be kinda hairy/undocumented 
> territory.

Sylvain Petreolle
spetreolle at 
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