COM conformance test suite?

Dan Kegel dank at
Wed Dec 18 04:11:39 CST 2002

Now that the Wine regression tests are starting to
shape up, and people are starting to be able to run
Visual Basic apps, maybe it's time for us to start
thinking about getting ahold of the COM conformance
test suite the Open Group did as a companion for their
ActiveX standard definition.

The Open Group was willing to discuss this, but
last time I checked, they wanted to know what
was in it for them.  (Well, they're not the Free Group,
after all.)  In particular, they thought it might take
them a bit of work to separate the conformance test
suite out from their "reference implementation" of ActiveX
for Unix.

Given that attitude, the best strategy is probably to
start implementing our own test suite for the APIs
in question, and shame them into opening theirs :-)

For those who haven't seen it yet, the Open Group's
ActiveX spec ( )
is perhaps the only document defining Win32 API calls
in a standards-body-like-way.   (The Tru64 Unix doc,
contains some related material.  Might be worth archiving
this before it goes offline as HP discontinues Tru64 Unix.)

The Open Group spec only covers a little bit of
Win32, but it sure looks like a useful bit.
The #include files it seems to define are:

#include <comcat.h>
#include <oaidl.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <ocidl.h>
#include <ole2.h>
#include <oleauto.h>
#include <olectl.h>
#include <oleidl.h>
#include <unknwn.h>
#include <urlmon.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <winreg.h>

which is a fair chunk.

- Dan

p.s. My cat is helping test mozilla 1.3alpha.  She discovered just now
that running across the keyboard causes that app to abort with sig 11...

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