We *really* need a development model change !

Andreas Mohr andi at rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de
Wed Jan 2 07:29:30 CST 2002

On Wed, Jan 02, 2002 at 04:36:14AM -0800, Francois Gouget wrote:
>    I think what we need with this is a couple of guidelines and
> documentation for potential test writers, and maybe a couple of
> extensions. The following is half a proposed documentation that we could
> put in the Wine Developper Guide, and half a proposed specification for
> some possible extensions. As usual, comments and suggestions are
> welcome.
Good !

Well, I've read the whole damn thing, and I don't have many
comments/flames/whatever to make (damn ! :)

>    The criteria to determine success/failure of a test unit xxx then
> becomes:
>    xxx >xxx.out 2>&1
>    if the return code is != 0
>       then the test failed
>    diff -u xxx.ref xxx.out >xxx.diff
>    if there is no xxx.ref.diff && xxx.diff is not empty
>       then the test failed
>    if xxx.diff is different from xxx.ref.diff
>       then the test failed
>    otherwise the test is successful
Wow, someone must have been very bored ;)

>    What is needed most is a two sample tests:
>  * one simple console based test
>  * another one involving some GUI stuff
No !
We need Win32 GUI, Win32 console and Win16.

>    Then the documentation could use them as examples and discuss the
> interesting aspects.
Yep !
(in a very simple way...)

>    I believe that all the above is fairly neutral as far as perl vs. C
> is concerned. Except for the compilation issues, and maybe the exact
> command to use to invoke a test, whether a test is written in C or in
> perl should not make any difference.
Great job !
(unfortunately I don't have much to add :-\)

I'm damn sure some issues will still arise, but we can only find problems
if we go ahead and implement it.

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
Tel. +49 7159 800604                http://home.nexgo.de/andi.mohr/

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