Does Windows have one of these?

Bill Medland medbi01_1 at
Fri Jan 25 16:08:45 CST 2002

As I look deeper into the DrawText boundary behaviour it becomes clear to me
that the Microsoft version must actually keep the & symbols in the string
until the very last moment.  In particular it looks to me like they actually
measure strings that contain them.  I can't see how they can do that with
GetTextExtent and its relatives; I can't see where to hide a flag as to
whether to interpret the & or not.

Does anyone know if there are Microsoft undocumented functions or
undocumented ways to measure and output a text that includes & symbols with
a way of specifying whether they count as prefix characters or not?

Personally it seems silly to me and I don't intend doing so myself unless
there is a good reason to duplicate all of Microsoft's weird bugs.


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