SetEndOfFile fix

lawson_whitney at lawson_whitney at
Sat Jan 26 21:48:42 CST 2002

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Guy L. Albertelli wrote:

> All the following is on the 2.2.12-20 kernel:
> "ftruncate" would return a 0. However Scandisk said that the file was bad.
> The length reported in the directory was larger than the allocated space.
> Errors were also reported on attempts to move or copy the file.
> Since ftruncate did not return a error, the rest of your code was never
> executed. So the rewrite basically asked if the file was being extended,
> then use the lseek and write. Use ftruncate only if shortening the file.
> This process resulted in a "valid" file. The size in the directory seemed to
> match the allocated space.
Why don't we just eliminate the middleman and use lseek and write
unconditionally?  Just because ftruncate works on other than fat
filsesystems doesn't mean we have to use it, does it?  If we keep this
up we will crack a walnut with a piledriver and 2 feather pilows.
> Guy

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