Sooo quiet...

Dimitrie O. Paun dimi at
Mon Jan 28 15:50:21 CST 2002

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Eric Pouech wrote:

> IMO, what's important behind version numbers isn't the version in
> itself, 
> but rather:
> 1] the goal you want to reach
> 2] the milestones between where you stand and 1]

Indeed. But you see, for an outsider, these are all "just details". For
most people, version numbers provide a sort of progress bar.  (It's true,
the info provided by a progress bar is mostly useless, but most people
will want that instead of no feedback). It is up to Alexandre to figure
out this progress bar, on whatever terms. A version number like 0.98.4
does provide a lot more "warm & fuzzy" (and a little bit more
information), than a 020402 version which provides _no_ information
whatsoever. In fact, just by looking at such version you can't figure:
  -- if the project made any progress at all
  -- how much progress was made (if we assume some did occur)
  -- the psychological gage of the maintainer on how close we are to some
meaningful goal.


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