Road to 0.9

Yven Leist leist at
Tue Mar 19 15:02:58 CST 2002

On Tuesday 19 March 2002 16:14, James Hatheway wrote:
> > C. Testing apps? I have no real idea what you mean.
> Sorry, I guess I should have been more clear, I just typed in
> word for word my brief shorthand notes :)
> Basically, the idea that we had was the concept of getting users
> to volunteer to "own" an app, ie. responsible for yelling when
> we break an app.  This already sort of happens, but never
> in a formal way.  We never decided the details, but I envisiage
> having one person volunteering to each test their favourite app on every
> release and filing bugs. (in a way that is helpful, we'll have docs for
> that)
I think this is a great idea. I find it almost unbelievable how well the only 
two applications that I really miss (soundforge and samplitute) work with 
wine  (_much_ better than with vmware!), and I would happily step forward to 
"maintain" them for the wine project.

P.S: thanks for all the great work!


Yven Johannes Leist - leist at

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