
davep davep at
Wed May 8 14:42:27 CDT 2002

On Wednesday 08 May 2002 18:56, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I looked for the APIs wine
> had already implemented, but
> I didn't find, so I'll post this.
> I getting error with this API
> FindFirstFile. Wine does not
> show all of the attributes, not
> like Windows do. I made a
> program that reads from the
> command line the file you're
> looking for and displays all
> the attributes from the API.
> I've compared both runnings.
> Wine results are different from
> the Windows. Wasn't that API
> fully implemented?
> If so, why is the results differents?
> thanks,
> Ricardo.

Remember that Wine is a Unix application and must communicate with the 
operating system using Unix system calls - even if the underlying filesystem 
is FAT. Unix does not have the "Archive", "System", "Readonly" or "Hidden" 
flags so Wine cannot have them either.

Actually, Wine sets the Readonly flag if the file permissions would prevent 
the current user from writing to the file, and the Archive bit is always set, 
but all other flags are clear.


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