
David Laight david at
Thu May 9 11:42:49 CDT 2002

> So the creation and last write are the same...
> The problem lies in FILE_FillInfo (files/file.c). In fact, the problem
> lies in that Unix doesn't keep the creation time; instead, it keeps
> (along with "last modification" and "last access") a "last change" time
> (st_ctime), which reflects the last change to the inode of a file.

Someone will probably correct me here! but I'm sure the 'ctime'
field was originally effectively a file create time.  Unfortunately
POSIX (and now the SuS) have converted it into a 'inode modified
time'. IIRC updating the 'last accessed' time is deemed a
modification of the inode.  Certainly a change in the file size
is such a modification.  This renders the ctime field virtually

Indeed both the ctime and atime fields are a performance nightmare!

> Sidenote: I thought floppies were FAT12, and I don't recall more than
> one time stored in a FAT12 (or FAT16).

I think that file systems that would have less that 2^12 extents
are created FAT12.  This is typically all floppies (4Mb with 2
sector extents).  Everything else is FAT16 - with larger extents
if the number of FAT entries would exceed 2^15.

However there are large disks that appear to be floppies.
eg LS120 (usually has a partiton table), and some devices
only sold in Japan...


David Laight: david at

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