Breakthrough! Can now crosscompile unit tests!

Jakob Eriksson jakob at
Fri May 10 03:51:06 CDT 2002

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 08:01:51PM -0400, Steven Edwards wrote:
> > jakov at black:/tmp> 
> > jakov at black:/tmp> i586-mingw32msvc-gcc file.c 
> > /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mingw32msvc/2.95.3-7/../../../../i586-mi
> > ngw32msvc/lib/libmingw32.a(main.o)(.text+0x8f): undefined 
> > reference to `WinMain at 16'
> There is no main statement in file.c 

Ah, but of course! :-)    I'm happy now!

Now it works, at least for dlls/kernel/tests/file.c

If you compile with:

i586-mingw32msvc-gcc -o FILE.EXE -DREAL_EXE file.c

The magic is the defines of ok, todo_wine and START_TEST.

See this as proof of concept, I'm sure someone can make this
look better.

(If you have Debian 3.0, just "apt-get install mingw32-runtime mingw32".)

How do I make this happen automagically when doing "make tests"?

#ifndef REAL_EXE

#include "winbase.h"
#include "winerror.h"
#include "wine/test.h"


#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define ok(val, msg) {if (!(val)) {printf ("%s\n", msg);} }
#define todo_wine
#define START_TEST main

#endif /* REAL_EXE */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

LPCSTR filename = "";
LPCSTR sillytext =
"en larvig liten text dx \033 gx hej 84 hej 4484 ! \001\033 bla bl\na.. bla bla."
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"1234 43 4kljf lf &%%%&&&&&& 34 4 34   3############# 33 3 3 3 # 3## 3"
"sdlkfjasdlkfj a dslkj adsklf  \n  \nasdklf askldfa sdlkf \nsadklf asdklf asdf ";

static void test__lcreat( void )
    HFILE filehandle;
    char buffer[10000];
    WIN32_FIND_DATAA search_results;

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( 0 == _llseek( filehandle, 0, FILE_BEGIN ), "_llseek complains." );

    ok( _hread( filehandle, buffer, strlen( sillytext ) ) ==  strlen( sillytext ), "erratic _hread return value." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindFirstFileA( filename, &search_results ), "should be able to find file" );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 1 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file!?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite shouldn't be able to write never the less." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != FindFirstFileA( filename, &search_results ), "should be able to find file" );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 2 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( 0 == _llseek( filehandle, 0, FILE_BEGIN ), "_llseek complains." );

    ok( _hread( filehandle, buffer, strlen( sillytext ) ) ==  strlen( sillytext ), "erratic _hread return value." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

        ok( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindFirstFileA( filename, &search_results ), "should NOT be able to find file" );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );
    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 4 ); /* SYSTEM file */

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( 0 == _llseek( filehandle, 0, FILE_BEGIN ), "_llseek complains." );

    ok( _hread( filehandle, buffer, strlen( sillytext ) ) ==  strlen( sillytext ), "erratic _hread return value." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

        ok( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == FindFirstFileA( filename, &search_results ), "should NOT be able to find file" );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );

void test__llseek( void )
    INT i;
    HFILE filehandle;
    char buffer[1];
    long bytes_read;

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );
    for (i = 0; i < 400; i++)
        ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _llseek( filehandle, 400 * strlen( sillytext ), FILE_CURRENT ), "should be able to seek" );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _llseek( filehandle, 27 + 35 * strlen( sillytext ), FILE_BEGIN ), "should be able to seek" );

    bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, 1);
    ok( 1 == bytes_read, "file read size error." );
    ok( buffer[0] == sillytext[27], "_llseek error. It got lost seeking..." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _llseek( filehandle, -400 * strlen( sillytext ), FILE_END ), "should be able to seek" );

    bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, 1);
    ok( 1 == bytes_read, "file read size error." );
    ok( buffer[0] == sillytext[0], "_llseek error. It got lost seeking..." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _llseek( filehandle, 1000000, FILE_END ), "should be able to seek past file. Poor, poor Windows programmers." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );

static void test__llopen( void )
    HFILE filehandle;
    UINT bytes_read;
    char buffer[10000];
    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READ );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR == _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite shouldn't be able to write!" );
    bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, strlen( sillytext ) );
    ok( strlen( sillytext )  == bytes_read, "file read size error." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );
    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READWRITE );
    bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, 2 * strlen( sillytext ) );
    ok( strlen( sillytext )  == bytes_read, "file read size error." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite should write just fine." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_WRITE );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR == _hread( filehandle, buffer, 1 ), "you should only be able to write this file..." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite should write just fine." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFileA complains." );
    /* TODO - add tests for the SHARE modes  -  use two processes to pull this one off */

static void test__lread( void )
    HFILE filehandle;
    char buffer[10000];
    long bytes_read;
    UINT bytes_wanted;
    UINT i;

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _hwrite( filehandle, sillytext, strlen( sillytext ) ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READ );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't open file again?");
    bytes_read = _lread( filehandle, buffer, 2 * strlen( sillytext ) );
    ok( strlen( sillytext ) == bytes_read, "file read size error." );

    for (bytes_wanted = 0; bytes_wanted < strlen( sillytext ); bytes_wanted++)
        ok( 0 == _llseek( filehandle, 0, FILE_BEGIN ), "_llseek complains." );
        ok( _lread( filehandle, buffer, bytes_wanted ) == bytes_wanted, "erratic _hread return value." );
        for (i = 0; i < bytes_wanted; i++)
            ok( buffer[i] == sillytext[i], "that's not what's written." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose( filehandle ), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFile complains." );

static void test__lwrite( void )
    HFILE filehandle;
    char buffer[10000];
    long bytes_read;
    UINT bytes_written;
    UINT blocks;
    UINT i;
    char *contents;
    HLOCAL memory_object;
    char checksum[1];

    filehandle = _lcreat( filename, 0 );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != filehandle, "couldn't create file. Wrong permissions on directory?" );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lwrite( filehandle, "", 0 ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READ );
    bytes_read = _hread( filehandle, buffer, 1);

    ok( 0 == bytes_read, "file read size error." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose(filehandle), "_lclose complains." );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READWRITE );

    bytes_written = 0;
    checksum[0] = '\0';
    srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) );
    for (blocks = 0; blocks < 100; blocks++)
        for (i = 0; i < sizeof( buffer ); i++)
            buffer[i] = rand(  );
            checksum[0] = checksum[0] + buffer[i];
        ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lwrite( filehandle, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ), "_hwrite complains." );
        bytes_written = bytes_written + sizeof( buffer );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lwrite( filehandle, checksum, 1 ), "_hwrite complains." );

    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose( filehandle ), "_lclose complains." );

    memory_object = LocalAlloc( LPTR, bytes_written );

    ok( 0 != memory_object, "LocalAlloc fails. (Could be out of memory.)" );

    contents = LocalLock( memory_object );

    filehandle = _lopen( filename, OF_READ );

    contents = LocalLock( memory_object );

    ok( NULL != contents, "LocalLock whines." );

    ok( bytes_written == _hread( filehandle, contents, bytes_written), "read length differ from write length." );

    checksum[0] = '\0';
    i = 0;
        checksum[0] = checksum[0] + contents[i];
    while (i < bytes_written - 1);

    ok( checksum[0] == contents[i], "stored checksum differ from computed checksum." );
    ok( HFILE_ERROR != _lclose( filehandle ), "_lclose complains." );

    ok( DeleteFileA( filename ) != 0, "DeleteFile complains." );
    /* TODO - add tests for the SHARE modes  -  use two processes to pull this one off */

    test__lcreat(  );
    test__llseek(  );
    test__llopen(  );
    test__lread(  );
    test__lwrite(  );

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