Little correction to kernel32.spec

Andreas Mohr andi at
Sat May 11 17:54:19 CDT 2002

On Sat, May 11, 2002 at 06:04:08PM -0400, Vincent Béron wrote:
> There's a bunch of APIs defined with ptr instead of str/wstr: should I
> clean them up also?
> Changelog:
>  - The definition of GetSystemWideDirectory{A,W} in kernel32.spec had
> some ptr args, while they are supposed to be {str, wstr} respectively.
Wrong. The string buffer is a *return* variable.
Thus using str/wstr will simply display useless garbage in relay trace. :-\

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
Tel. +49 7159 800604      

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