[PATCH] misc/registry.c

Dustin Navea speeddymon at yahoo.com
Sun May 19 15:42:56 CDT 2002

--- Andreas Mohr <andi at rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de> wrote:
> Then something must be very wrong with registry
> import of NT based systems.
> Could you investigate why wineinstall/wine fails to
> pick up the NT registry ?

sure...actualy i did some investigation on this a few
weeks ago and discovered that the only time that
real-windows registries are loaded is when the path to
your true windows directory is in wine's windows
path...  i only keep my fake-windows directory in
there since linux can only read from a ntfs partition.
 Now I could put the real-windows directory in the
wine sources, but that would cause a problem for users
that don't use the same names as me...my windows
partition is mounted at /windows, but the default (at
least for mandrake) is something else...  so that
really wouldn't be feasible unless someone else wants
to put some code in there to search the entire
heirarchy for system32/config/system and even then, on
mandrake, only root can read from the winnt partition
(if you dont modify the priveleges)


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