Wine 0.8 TODO v0.1

Patrik Stridvall ps at
Fri Nov 1 06:29:31 CST 2002

> Oh, one other thing that would be nice, while I think of 
> it... is there
> any reason (now we are GPL'ed) that we cannot incorperate cabextract
> ( into Wine?

Because we are not GPL:ed. We are LGPL:ed. 

Application that go under programs/ might as an exception go under GPL.
However in the case of cabextract we need substantial parts of
it to implement functions like SetupIterateCabinet in SETUPAPI.DLL so
only the LGPL or less restrictive is acceptable.

However the author(s) of cabextract might agree to release
the parts we need under the LGPL. Perhaps it better if
he release it all under the GPL since we might want to
implement the CAB SDK tools like cabarc.exe that is supposed to do
almost exactly what cabextract does (and possibly more) AFAICS.

What don't you ask him?
> Currently we shell out to it as an external program, 

Do we? Hmm. OK, it seems we do in dlls/urlmon/umon.c. Ugly.

That code should probably call SetupIterateCabinet instead.
Of course that function is not implemented yet. See above.

> in order to run
> Microsoft's setup APIs ecetra. This is really annoying for 
> new users, as
> unless they look closely at pages of logs... theres no real indication
> that's why installation of a Microsoft program failed.


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