Wine FAQ - call for a volunteer

Andreas Mohr andi at
Fri Nov 1 15:49:10 CST 2002

On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 04:29:20PM -0500, Dimitrie O. Paun wrote:
> On November 1, 2002 04:02 pm, Andreas Mohr wrote:
> > I agree that using a static web page for the FAQ part instead could
> > probably be better - but for the troubleshooting content ??
> > The troubleshooting content is meant to be a step-by-step problem solver
> > area (and it is, to some extent). Now tell me how you'd implement the
> > same thing easily with an ordinary web page, without losing flexibility
> > for very quick changes/reordering ??
> Well, for one thing, this should not be in the FAQ, but a separate
> troubleshooting section. Second, I *know* I don't want to see the
> FOM as a user. It's just bad. Beyond words! :) I don't understand
> why you want this very quick changes/reordering flexibility. It
> just seems we're trying to fix the wrong problem. We don't need a
> tool to help us add hundred of pages, because nobody will bother
> to read them. We need to think how we can present the information
> in a few pages. Tops. If not, we are better off spending the time
> fixing the problems, rather than documenting workarounds on
> hundreds of pages.
The largest part of the FOM *is* the troubleshooting section.
The FAQ is only a small part of the FOM that has been added later for
maintenance convenience of the FAQ.

Good luck implementing it in a different way.
I'm outta that one for now, especially given that spending my time
on non-Wine things currently probably is a wise thing to do.

About the hundreds of pages:
What's so problematic with navigating a directory structure that
gets more and more specific about your problem until you (hopefully) hit
the specific answer to your question ?
That'd all get lost with your suggested change.

Sometimes I've got the impression that I'm partly fighting the "KISS
with-its-bewildering-size-and-information-overload syndrome".

Andreas Mohr                        Stauferstr. 6, D-71272 Renningen, Germany
Tel. +49 7159 800604      

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