Wine 0.9 TODO v0.4

Steven Edwards Steven_Ed4153 at
Sat Nov 9 20:16:50 CST 2002

>However, this version is constantly changing; it is relative
>to the last _released_ version. This is important to keep in 
>mind when looking at the bold items. For example, if you look 
>at the working version right after a new version is released, 
>nothing is going to be bold, as nothing has changed from the 
>released version. To better understand the changes from
>version to version, you should consult the released versions.
I am about to submit the ReactOS Regedit Changes to wine-patches if 
someone want to pick it up. If someone will adopt it then you can add it 
to the 0.9 list. There is only 1 or 2 show-stoppers from getting it 
merged. See the next email in wine-patches


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