current wine status pr-1

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Tue Sep 3 13:00:04 CDT 2002

> The 100% complete tasklist answers the question:
>    "<devname>, what is left to do to complete component X?"
> where <devname> is/are the developer(s) who have intimate
> knowledge about component X.
> Now, talking about 100% complete, we should define a little
> better what we mean by this percentage. I suggest that it
> estimates the completeness of *documented* features,
> since the undocumented ones are simply gagable. This being
> said, a component reaches 100% complete status when
> it implements all documented features.
well, # of documented APIs is not the only aspect to be taken into
you have stuff like:
- configurability
- scalability
- speed
to look after. As of today, most of those items are not looked into (not
for the 1.0 target), but it doesn't mean work isn't needed
more over, don't forget  that :
# of implemented API
# of documented API
is an evolving target, as the documented APIs evolve over time
for example, the file I/O stuff can be considered over 90% for Wine 9x
(except the SMB stuff), while it way lower on a NT perspective.

IMO, the % is more an indication of what users could expect for a
< 25, forget about using builtin
25/50 : very low usage, may work in some rare cases
50/75 : good basic capabilities, may work for mainstream application
75/100 : solid implementation, bugs remaining


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