shlwapi failes to build on windows

Jon Griffiths jon_p_griffiths at
Thu Sep 12 16:53:32 CDT 2002


>shlwapi.exp(.edata+0x34):fake: undefined reference to
>`AssocCreate at 12'
>C:\mingw\bin\dllwrap.exe: C:\mingw\bin\gcc exited with status 1
>make: *** [shlwapi.dll] Error 1

>The def should contain AssocCreate at 24 I do not know what is needed
>in the *.spec though

This is due to the spec entry possibly being incorrect. AssocCreate
takes a CLSID as its first parameter (rather than a ptr to one as any
sane coder would have expected). I have no idea how to tell the spec
file that the first parameter is a structure, however this obviously
means that the size of the parameters listed after the '@' is wrong.

I'm not sure how to fix this, since passing structs is a rare case,
I've never looked into how to specify them in the spec. Maybe we need
a "struct(n)" spec type for by value structures?

Another note: if you're planning to try to test SHLWAPI under Windows
you should be running NT 4 or later, as there are some changes needed
w.r.t unicode to get earlier O/Ss working OK.


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jon_p_griffiths at

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