wineoss patch

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Sun Sep 29 09:15:13 CDT 2002

Ove Kaaven a écrit :
> I can imagine Eric has a better patch for the following problem:
> OSS/Commercial does not allow an open device to continue operation after a
> SNDCTL_DSP_RESET, the device must be reopened (which is what their API
> docs recommend). The following patch is what we have in WineX to get
> around the issue, but it will only compile on ReWind and Wine if the
> #define FULL_DUPLEX is enabled. But perhaps it's good enough if Eric
> doesn't have a better one. And I have some fullduplex patches that I can
> only submit after this issue is resolved.
I think the best way is to store device parameters in all cases (full
or not) and then make use of them (transform the reset in close/open

moreover, full duplex infra has been around for a while, and didn't
much complains... so I think we can remove now the support for the non

finally, wine now as a notion of OSSDEVICE (shared by wavein and
waveout) which
could make some function defs a bit simpler

I'll try to whip something out from Ove's first patch


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