cab_G_00-pre1 (RFC)

Gregory M. Turner gmturner007 at
Sat Aug 16 23:58:49 CDT 2003

On Saturday 16 August 2003 02:25 am, Eric Pouech wrote:
> except for _lopen which differs a bit from CreateFile, but why not using
> ReadFile, WriteFile, CloseHandle...
> A+

After consulting some doc, it seems CreateFile is actually easier to use than 
_lopen, if only trivially so, due to the layout of the flags.  Also, _lopen 
is officially depreciated.

So, I am mostly stealing from msvcrt, and omitting several features 
SetupIterateCabinet probably won't need.  So far, it has proven most 
painless, consuming approximately 100 lines of code (although it is untested 
so far).  Thanks for your advice.


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  -- Rep. Tom Feeney

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