Wine 0.9 progress

Ferenc Wagner wferi at
Fri Aug 29 12:57:59 CDT 2003

Francois Gouget <fgouget at> writes:

> Do we really need a C program, a new mailing list,
> automated result submission, generating HTML and now a
> database just so we have something that says:
> Test      | Result
> ----------+---------
> kernel32  | Passed
> msvcrt    | Passed
> oleaut32  | Passed
> dsound    | Passed
> ...

We want a little bit more than this... but I think you are

> This all seems very much over-engineered to me. I'd really
> like to see that kind of energy spent on fixing the tests
> so that they actually work on Windows.

I would like to.  I spent some patches against the tests,
and they were refused because somebody remembered something.
Now I need FACTS, and since nobody seemed to provide me with
facts, I try to do something about that.  I still can not
say that results are pouring in :)

Now I also produced Makefiles, by the way...

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