default config file creation

Ivan Leo Murray-Smith puoti at
Wed Dec 17 03:51:42 CST 2003

>I was wondering if it would make more sense during the compile process to take 
>the default configuration files, config, system.reg, user.reg and userdef.reg 
>and convert these to binary form and compile them into the wine binary 
>itself.  We could detect the lack of these files at startup and install them 
>for the user.  
Very cool idea, it would increase usability a lot. You don't really need to
compile the files, you can just install them in 
/usr/share/doc/wine-yyyymmdd/samples or something like that and copy them to
$HOME/.wine if needed. )There wouldn't be any performance loss as these files are
read at startup anyway.Wine could also create a fake c drive in the users home
and create a link to it it needed.


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