default config file creation

Ivan Leo Murray-Smith puoti at
Wed Dec 17 10:32:40 CST 2003

> Trading off configurability with usability seems fine to 
> me.  
We aren't as one can tweak things with winecfg if he wants/needs to
> The goal is to solve both 
> the lack of config files for binary installs, fixed by the 
> patches that Che has in his rpm package and Marcus has for 
> Suse, and for users that run 'make install' but never 
> create config files.
All this can be solved by shipping a config file with with wine, get wine to
adapt it to the users system, install it, install the registry and create the
fake windows partition. This would work for all binaries on all distros, even on
freebsd, and would work when installing from source. Only that someone has to
implement it. And volunteers?

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