Started playing with Wineserver on mingw/cygwin again

Dan Kegel dank at
Thu Feb 6 13:37:25 CST 2003

Geoff Thorpe wrote:
> Nonetheless, it is pretty essential that wine's problem get resolved
> before these incompatible versions start making it into mainstream
> distributions - glibc and linux distribution people leaving wine behind
> would not help anyone.


> Do we have a definitive explanation of just how bad the current
> wine/pthread incompatibilities are, and/or where current efforts are at?

Not many people are running the new glibc+kernel combination.
It's been hard to do until recently.

I think the key thing for the moment is to get a few developers
set up with it (either via Red Hat 8.1 beta, or via Gentoo (more work,
but much more control), or maybe a Suse beta).

> I'd not known there were any efforts to get wine working with nptl
> (hence my perhaps exaggerated alarm) until the link to Ingo's kernel
> patch was posted (aug2002 moreover) which suggests at least that some
> people *are* working on this (phew). 

That patch only indicates that Ingo was *anticipating* this
issue, and leaving room for an eventual solution.  I don't
think he's working on Wine threads.

 > I would be very grateful to know
> what the status is. Anyone? TIA.

IMHO the status is "the new stuff is ready and waiting for
the wine developers to install on their machines, and start
working on converting Wine threads to be based on top of
posix threads instead of the low-level stuff they currently use."
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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