2GB visible partition size

Alexandre Julliard julliard at winehq.com
Thu Feb 13 12:22:27 CST 2003

Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts at telusplanet.net> writes:

> Actually Alexandre hasn't commented on it, so if it doesn't bit rot it
> still could be commited. However, at the time, there were some
> negative comments about it.  It seems that the major concern is that
> it should do more than it does.

Well, yes, if we really need to change the fstype it should be a
generic option that allows all types to be specified, not just
NTFS. And it shouldn't overload the existing "type" parameter, it
should be a separate entry. But it may be enough to simply always
return FAT32, if that works for the app in question. Returning NTFS is
a bit misleading anyway since we don't implement any of the
NTFS-specific features.

Alexandre Julliard
julliard at winehq.com

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