patch move guides (each to there own directory)

Tony Lambregts tony_lambregts at
Tue Feb 18 09:23:38 CST 2003

Andreas Mohr wrote:

>On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 10:08:59PM -0700, Tony Lambregts wrote:
>>In order to make the documentation easier to maintain and use I want to
>>separate the guides each into its own directory. Basicly just move them
>>from where they are to where we want them.
>Argl. Somehow I'm afraid I won't like this too much ;)
>I'm currently working on a full-scale reorganisation of the Guides,
>and thus this is bound to get in the way...
>Either we apply that and I'll have to live with that, or I'll incorporate
>the changes into my tree...
>Or maybe I'm just barking up a non-existent tree (maybe it's pretty easy
>to sort out after all).
>Andreas Mohr
Well the files are the same and except for wine-lib the files names 
remain the same.  I can give you the script file that I used to move 
them on my tree if you want.


Tony Lambregts

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