annoyance running mingw

Mike Hearn m.hearn at
Mon Feb 24 03:30:21 CST 2003

> Seems to me the problem here is that mingw is passing these paths into
> Wine at all. The only apparent way to get to DOSFS_GetPathDrive is
> through DOSFS_GetFullName or DOSFS_GetShortPathName so either
> mingw is calling one of those functions with Unix path names or its calling
> some other Win32 API function with Unix path names which then calls
> one of those functions.
> But how would that work on Windows? Surely mingw should always convert
> unix paths to Windows paths *before* giving them to any Win32 function?

I have a feeling the Windows path handling routines are very flexible,
and will accept unix style paths, I know you can use / instead of \ in
paths and things usually still work. I guess some test cases would be

> David
Mike Hearn <m.hearn at>
QinetiQ - Malvern Technology Center

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