Is there some test app that reliable crashes?

Gerhard W. Gruber sparhawk at
Tue Feb 25 16:03:33 CST 2003

On 25 Feb 2003 21:54:24 +0000, Mike Hearn <mike at> wrote:

>Just run an app in winedbg, then press ctrl-c to halt it. Then do "bt"
>to get a backtrace. You'll be able to move up and down the stack frames,

I noticed that. :) Convinient because it is similar to gdb, but I couldn't get
gdb compatibillity to work. On the website it says to add -gdb to winedbg but
it complains about that. I think I can get used to it anyway. :)

>inspect local variables and see the source (inside wine code). You can
>also do disassembly inside closed source stuff, but I'm not elite enough
>to show you how to do that.

No problem with that. I was doing asm more than ten years because it is a
hobby of mine. :)

>Mostly wine debugging is simply a matter of looking at the logs and
>doing some logical deduction. I once considered making a wine developers
>beginners guide that goes through some known bugs in a release with some
>free apps etc but never got around to it.

If this would be a tutorial for winedbg this would be really helpfull, but I
think I can get started now once that I managed to fire it and get some
information out of it. :) The only thing I'm not used to is the Unix syntax
for disassembling. I'm more used to the intel syntax like it is used in
Windows debuggers.

I once wrote a disassmebling class for myself. Would there be some interest in
including that in winedbg in order to be able to switch between Intel and Unix
style disasm?

>may be ridiculously hard, like the current ones I'm chasing in RhymBox
>which does all kinds of funky things with embeddeding IE.

I can imagine that. My first goal is to get agen stable and then I think I
will focus more on games. This is the area that I really miss from Windows and
is the only thing that requires me to have a windows partition to keep around.

Currently I don't have that much time, though, because I'm moving so it will
still take some weeks until I can dig really more into wine.

Gerhard Gruber

Für jedes menschliche Problem gibt es immer eine einfache Lösung:
Klar, einleuchtend und falsch. (Henry Louis Mencken)

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