Bug Fix With Delay load function in Shell32

Jürgen Schmied j.schmied at t-online.de
Sun Jan 12 07:44:38 CST 2003


This isn't the best solution since GetShellOle() initializes the ole subsystem by calling
OleInitialize(). This is not nessesary for _CoCreateInstance().



> This fixes a bug in Shell32 where one function caused the function
> responsible for setting up the delay load function pointers to assume they
> had already been loaded, and they hadn't.
> Maybe we should make the hShellOle32 variable static so this can't happen
> again.
> ChangeLog:
> - Set up all delay load functions in GetShellOle() function to avoid
> GetShellOle assuming that they were all loaded when they weren't
> Rob

juergen.schmied at debitel.net
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