The version info patches + d3d question

Enrico Horn EnricoHorn at
Wed Jan 15 16:19:09 CST 2003

On Monday 13 January 2003 15:36, Patrik Stridvall wrote:
> > Hi,
> > The patches add version info to directx libraries.
> > some games(for instance lucasarts games) wont run without
> > finding a valid
> > version of the directx files.
> OK.
> > the problem is they dont run even with the patches because
> > they cant get
> > version info from d3dim.dll and probably other d3d dlls.
> Yes, there are a lot of them, but don't see we any choice,
> but to do what I suggest below.
> > since wine doesnt have these dlls how can wine give these
> > programs the needed
> > info or is it planned to split ddraw in a ddraw and a d3d component?
> We simply have to create one new directory in dlls/ for
> each DirectX dll with an appropriate .spec file and a
> version.rc. This would be quite easy to do AFAICS.
> Are you voluntering?
I have done this.
Its enough to satisfy the syscheck of Shadows of the Empire
its not enough to convince the launcher to actually start the game.
Patch will follow nevertheless.
I have put all the functions as stubs in there that Raphael lists in his 


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