Sacrifice demo & sound.dll

Christian Costa titan.costa at
Thu Jan 23 13:49:18 CST 2003

Hi all!

I've tried the Sacrifice demo and it complains about sound.dll.
Indeed it uses its own 32-bit sound.dll which lies in its directory.
Apparently the dll seems to conflict with our 16-bit windows sound.dll

I've joined a small log.

I tried to add a "sound" entry in the [DllOverrides] section in the 
config file
to force the native to be loaded first but that does not help.

Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.

-------------- next part --------------
trace:module:GetModuleFileNameA F:\Sacrifice\Sacrifice.exe
trace:module:MODULE_GetLoadOrder looking for F:\Sacrifice\sound.dll
trace:module:GetModuleFileNameA F:\Sacrifice\Sacrifice.exe
trace:module:open_app_key searching 'F:\Sacrifice\sound' in AppDefaults\Sacrifice.exe\DllOverrides
trace:module:MODULE_GetLoadOrder got hardcoded default "b,n" for "F:\\Sacrifice\\sound.dll"
trace:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Trying built-in 'F:\Sacrifice\sound.dll'
err:module:BUILTIN32_LoadLibraryExA loaded .so but dll sound.dll still not found - 16-bit dll or version conflict.
warn:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Loading of builtin DLL F:\Sacrifice\sound.dll failed (error 193).
warn:module:MODULE_LoadLibraryExA Failed to load module 'F:\Sacrifice\sound.dll'; error=193

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