App works almost perfectly, but one MDI screen won't draw

Dan Kegel dank at
Tue Jan 28 23:13:49 CST 2003

I've played with our MDI application a bit more, and have
observed two kinds of bugs under cvs wine:

First type: things not drawing, probably because of missing messages
(we know the WM_NCPAINT message is AWOL, but it might be something

1. One of the "documents" has blank client areas (mentioned previously);
these don't ever get drawn.

2. Another of the "documents" has a blank pane initially, but
if you diddle around a bit, it does draw.

3. Maximizing any of the "documents" is supposed to make a
minimize/maximize/close widget appear on the right-hand side of
the toolbar, but it doesn't.

Second type: things drawing in the wrong place:

4. The text box at the bottom of a three-panel window has its
upper left corner in the right place, but its lower right corner
is exactly one scrollbar width inset too far.
The scrollbars are inset by that amount, too.  That leaves the area
where the scrollbars ought to be totally undrawn.

Duane Clark is looking at the missing message problem in this
and another app.

Also, I'm setting up Linux and Wine for the guy
who wrote our app so he can poke around and look
for these problems himself; if nothing else, he can
put together a minimal test case.
- Dan

Dan Kegel

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