Speeding up wineserver (again)

Kelly Leahy kellyleahy at swbell.net
Mon Jul 7 21:49:25 CDT 2003


Are these calls your own creation or do they already exist in some form in
the server?

Why does the "get object data" call not have an offset, but the "set object
data" does?  Is offset intended to allow incremental updates of the object's

Do you need a "get acl" function, or is the ACL going to reside in the
user's space (or in the object data?)?

If you're going to allow an "attach to kernel" functionality, shouldn't it
return an opaque handle that is passed to all other functions so that the
same client can make calls on different instances of the kernel?  This would
make it easier, for instance, to write management utilities that access more
than one kernel.  If you want such functionality, you probably also need a
way to enumerate the running kernels.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Troy Rollo" <wine at troy.rollo.name>
To: <wine-devel at winehq.com>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 9:27 PM
Subject: Speeding up wineserver (again)

> I've been looking at the various efforts over the years to speed up
> or eliminate it altogether (by substituting a kernel service). Certainly
> current degree of reliance on a separate process that is scheduled
> to the operating system's own priorities creates significant speed
> Some of this migh be alleviated by boosting the priority of the wineserver
> process or by making it a real time task, but there are still some
> it appears to be performing some operations that result in a yield and
> subject it to another wait in the queue for at least one time slice.
> Even if the wineserver itself could be sped up in this way, individual
> processes would stull be subjected to time waiting in the queue after they
> make a request of wineserver. The problem becomes more severe on a heavily
> loaded system.
> The approaches suggested so far:
> Shared memory
> Suffers from reliability problems which may allow one
> process to put the system in an inconsistent state.
> Kernel module
> The only effort so far seemed to put way too much
> into the kernel, and was abandoned over two years
> ago.
> Other possible approaches that I haven't seen directly discussed on the
> wine-devel list:
> An exokernel using the x86 multiring capability
> Not portable to non-x86 architectures.
> Cross-process calls
> Also referred to under other names. This mechanism would
> allow one process to call into another process without
> giving up part of its time slice. Would require modifications
> to the kernel's scheduler and to standard kernel data
>         structures, hence would have to be considered "rude". It
> would have one advantage in that the interface
> differences between this mechanism and the current
> mechanism could be transparent.
> Have I missed any?
> Anyway, I'm thinking that perhaps the kernel module approach was the right
> basic approach, but that the particular attempt made was merely too broad.
> better approach would be to define a set of kernel calls that could be
> to implement all of the other stuff (and there are currently 176 types of
> wineserver request, so I haven't taken the time to see if I've covered
> all yet) in an in-process library.
> Transparency substitution for wineserver would, I guess, be achieved by
> the kernel module and its supporting library implement the wineserver
> requests using the wineserver data structures, and perhaps having
> use a non-kernel version of these facilities.
> The following are things I could see immediately would be part of the
> module:
> winekernel_attach_to_kernel(char const *kernid);
> winekernel_object winekernel_object_create(
> char const *name,
> void const *data,
> size_t size);
> winekernel_object winekernel_object_open(
> char const *name);
> int winekernel_object_close(
> winekernel_object obj);
> int winekernel_object_namesize(
> winekernel_object obj);
> int winekernel_object_getname(
> winekernel_object obj,
> char *name,
> size_t bufsize);
> size_t winekernel_object_size(
> winekernel_object obj);
> int winekernel_object_getdata(
> winekernel_object obj,
> void *buffer,
> size_t bufsize);
> int winekernel_object_setdata(
> winekernel_object obj,
> void *buffer,
> size_t bufsize,
> size_t offset);
> int winekernel_object_lockobject(
> winekernel_object obj,
> int flags);
> int winekernel_object_unlock(
> winekernel_object obj);
> int winekernel_object_setacl(
> winekernel_object obj,
> wineserver_acl *acl);
> int winekernel_object_attach_native_file(
> winekernel_object obj,
> int fd);
> int winekernel_object_get_native_file(
> winekernel_object obj);
> int winekernel_object_list(
> char *namespace,
> char *data,
> int bytes,
> int *bytesneeded,
> int flags);
> There would be other things that would be in the "nice to have" category
> (I'm thinking specifically about path name translation being done in a way
> that requires less seeks through the file system).
> The way I see this working is that Wine kernel objects are stored
> enough) in kernel memory. This effectively amounts to a shared memory
> approach but with the kernel module able to clean up after a misbehaving
> process. In the event that cleanups after a misbehaving process were to be
> too complex, there would still be room for a server process that does
> and the kernel could simply assign ownership of the objects from the bad
> process to the server process, which gets notified via another set of
> when it receives the objects. The object name would be of the form
> "namespace:name", so as to have:
> window:0431a9c4
> file:/home/me/file.dat
> A process could allow the kernel to assign the name within the namespace,
> that, for example:
> obj = winekernel_object_create("window", windowdata, windowdata_size);
> winekernel_object_gername(obj, achHWND, 15);
> The idea behind the "wine_attach_to_kernel" call would be to allow for the
> kernel to serve either multiple different users or multiple different
> operating system types without the objects from all of them being
> intermingled.

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