New conformance test for user32.dll

Ferenc Wagner wferi at
Mon Mar 3 12:07:46 CST 2003


I put together a new test file for dlls/user/tests (find
attached).  It tests undocumented behaviour (at least I
couldn't find a word), but one of my apps depend on it.
It's a first try, please have a look at it (I tried to
follow the Developers' Guide) and tell me what I should do.
I compiled a previous version (some code rearrangement
happened since then) with MSVC, it ran fine on XP, ME and
Win95, ie. all tests passed.

In short: a LISTBOX window can have the LBS_NOSEL style
option.  For me it seems it's only about appearance and
nothing more.  But Wine implements it in a more meaningful
way, unfortunately...

I'd like to be sure about what's correct before patching the
implementation.  Looking forward to your comments:


Insert listbox.c into CTESTS in Makefile{,.in} to run:
-------------- next part --------------
#include "wine/test.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "assert.h"

create_listbox (DWORD add_style)
  HWND handle=CreateWindow ("LISTBOX", "TestList",
			    (LBS_STANDARD & ~LBS_SORT) | add_style,
			    0, 0, 100, 100,
			    NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);

  assert (handle);
  assert (0==SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "First added"));
  assert (1==SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "Second added"));
  assert (2==SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) (LPCTSTR) "Third added"));

  return handle;

struct listbox_prop {
  int selected;
  int anchor;
  int caret;

listbox_query (HWND handle, struct listbox_prop *results)
  results->selected = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
  results->anchor   = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETANCHORINDEX, 0, 0);
  results->caret    = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0);

#define listbox_ok(ex, got) ok (ex.selected==got.selected && \
                                ex.anchor==got.anchor && \
                                ex.caret==got.caret, \
                                "expected {s=%d,a=%d,c=%d}, got {s=%d,a=%d,c=%d}", \
                                ex.selected, ex.anchor, ex.caret, \
                                got.selected, got.anchor, got.caret)

buttonpress (HWND handle, WORD x, WORD y)
  LPARAM lp=x+(y<<16);

  assert (0==SendMessage (handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, (WPARAM) MK_LBUTTON, lp));
  assert (0==SendMessage (handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, (WPARAM) 0, lp));

keypress (HWND handle, WPARAM keycode, BYTE scancode, BOOL extended)
  LPARAM lp=1+(scancode<<16)+(extended?KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY:0);

  assert (0==SendMessage (handle, WM_KEYDOWN, keycode, lp));
  assert (0==SendMessage (handle, WM_KEYUP  , keycode, lp | 0xc000000));

check_buttonpress ()
  struct listbox_prop answer;
  const struct listbox_prop init={LB_ERR,LB_ERR,0}, click={1,1,1}, down={2,2,2};
  HWND hLB=create_listbox (0);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (init, answer);

  buttonpress(hLB, 8, 16);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (click, answer);

  keypress (hLB, VK_DOWN, 0x50, 1);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (down, answer);

  assert (DestroyWindow (hLB));

check_buttonpress_NOSEL ()
  struct listbox_prop answer;
  const struct listbox_prop init={LB_ERR,LB_ERR,0}, click={1,1,1}, down={2,2,2};
  HWND hLB=create_listbox (LBS_NOSEL);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (init, answer);

  buttonpress(hLB, 8, 16);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (click, answer);

  keypress (hLB, VK_DOWN, 0x50, 1);

  listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
  listbox_ok (down, answer);

  assert (DestroyWindow (hLB));

  check_buttonpress ();
  check_buttonpress_NOSEL ();

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