[DINPUT] get Unreal Tournament 2003 (and maybe Unreal2) starting

Lionel Ulmer lionel.ulmer at free.fr
Thu May 15 13:25:45 CDT 2003

>  lionel, why the IID_IDirectInput8W is considered as an old version of DINPUT 
> ? ;))

Don't ask me, the DInput8 code was done by Transgaming.

Anyway, this was on my TODO list to get America's Amry to start with
built-in DInput but it seems you beat me to it (a pitty there is no public
transportation strike where I live or that I take the bike :-) ).

Anyway, I have just one comment :

> +/******************************************************************************
> + *	IDirectInputW_EnumDevices
> + */
> +static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectInputWImpl_EnumDevices(
> +	LPVOID pvRef, DWORD dwFlags
> +)
> +{
> +	ICOM_THIS(IDirectInputAImpl,iface);
> +	int i;
> +
> +	TRACE("(this=%p,0x%04lx,%p,%p,%04lx)\n", This, dwDevType, lpCallback, pvRef, dwFlags);
> +
> +	for (i = 0; i < nrof_dinput_devices; i++) {
> +	  devInstance.dwSize = sizeof(devInstance);
> +	  if (dinput_devices[i]->enum_device(dwDevType, dwFlags, &devInstance)) {
> +	    newDevInstance.dwSize = sizeof(DIDEVICEINSTANCEW);
> +	    newDevInstance.guidInstance = devInstance.guidInstance;
> +	    newDevInstance.guidProduct = devInstance.guidProduct;
> +	    newDevInstance.dwDevType = devInstance.dwDevType;
> +	    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, devInstance.tszInstanceName, -1, newDevInstance.tszInstanceName, MAX_PATH);
> +	    MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, devInstance.tszProductName, -1, newDevInstance.tszProductName, MAX_PATH);	    
> +	    if (lpCallback(&newDevInstance,pvRef) == DIENUM_STOP)
> +	      return 0;
> +	  }
> +	}
> +
> +	return 0;
> +}

Just to be on the pedantic side, it would be better to share this code...
For example by calling the DInput8A function with a special callback written
in the Wine code that converts the strings from A to W before calling the
'real' callback.

Even better would be to have our code work like the rest of Wine : ie having
A using the W code and not the reverse :-)

Another question, did you investigate this code : SysKeyboardAImpl_EnumObjects ?
This returns an 'A' pointer as part of the 'DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEA'
structure... If a 'DIDEVICEOBJECTINSTANCEW' is used in the case of the W
interface, this needs to be changed too.


		 Lionel Ulmer - http://www.bbrox.org/

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